The Chump Deck - after five cycles

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The Chump Deck 0 0 0 2.0
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In Play
Discard Pile

HayashiM 88

This solo deck is based around chumping, made of cards available after the first five original cycles. It is not extremely strong, but can still pull its weight and I find it fun to play. You might want to pair it with another all round deck that has at least some healing.

Core idea: chumping boosts Éomer and readies Prince Imrahil, potentially gets you a resource with Horn of Gondor, or lets you draw cards with Valiant Sacrifice.

Questing strategy: Arwen and Prince Imrahil are the primary questers, aided by Bofur, Rohan spirit allies and hopefully, Faramir.

Defense strategy: No dedicated defender, there are many one cost allies to serve as chumps (Envoy of Pelargir, Snowborn Scout, Westfold Horse-breeder, potentially Errand-rider and others). In emergency situations, Éomer and Prince Imrahil can take some damage as well.

Attack strategy: Éomer can attack for 7 with his chump boost when riding Firefoot. Prince Imrahil also regularly attacks for 3. Other more important attackers are the Westfold Outrider and potentially Treebeard.

Card draw: Elven Light, Valiant Sacrifice, occasionally Gandalf. Gamling also helps with getting you your chumps back. Westfold Horse-Breeder fetches you Firefoot and Rohan Warhorse faster.

Resource management: Horn of Gondor (which goes on Arwen, as Spirit has the highest total cost of this deck) and Arwen's ability. Errand-riders and Envoys of Pelargir (all heroes are Noble) will help you with redistribution.

Readying: Prince Imrahil's ability. Rohan Warhorse lets Éomer (and potentially Prince Imrahil) pull double attacking duty.

Healing: None, which is the main weakness of this deck.

Threat reduction: Elrond's Counsel and Gandalf.

Location control: Rather weak, although West Road Traveller lets you bypass some travel effects and Snowborn Scout (recycled by Gamling) can still deal with some high-threat-low-progress locations.

Condition removal: None

Direct damage: Gandalf, Firefoot

Other notes:

  • My favourite combo is having Éomer kill a weak enemy, dealing excess damage to another stronger enemy thanks to Firefoot, then readying Éomer with Rohan Warhorse and finishing the stronger enemy off with a second attack in cooperation with Prince Imrahil.
  • Don't forget that Bofur (or sneak attack Gandalf) leaving play triggers Éomer's and Prince Imrahil's ability and also lets you play Valiant Sacrifice, even without a chump.

Sep 20, 2023 doomguard 2171

Astonishing Speed could help or powequesting, specially you further combine it with the selfchumping (discard) Escort from Edoras would prefer them over the Westfold Outrider the deck has enough attack power.

Sep 21, 2023 HayashiM 88

@doomguard thank you for the idea! I will give it a try. I was holding back from adding more spirit to keep the costs balanced, but with Arwen it's probably not as much of a problem.

Sep 21, 2023 doomguard 2171

an if she get the steward, as u planned you will have enough spirit-res