Big Bad Bear

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Big Bad Bear 2.0 1 1 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

warlock000 4483

warlock000 has a newer deck inspired by this one: Big Bad Bear 2.0

The idea is to minimize damage dealt to Beorn by playing traps, events and using Honour Guard ability. You have to balance defending with Beorn and other allies.

Ambush works great here, you should have enough firepower to kill even the toughest enemies before they hit you.

There should be enough resource smoothing and card draw here to be able to build a nice board state quickly.

I've beaten e.g. Into the Ithilien and Druadan Forest with this deck so it's pretty flexible when it comes all forms of questing (standard/siege/battle).

I had to cut Vigilant Guard, it felt too expensive, but if you can make it work Beorn will be grateful for adding it back ;).


Sep 06, 2023 doomguard 2191

for solo it lacks a bit of willpower, this might be done with some Wait no Longer (mablung likes that ) consider Pippin and Bofur

Sep 06, 2023 warlock000 4483

Don't have these cards ;). Did what I could with the cardpool I own.

Sep 06, 2023 warlock000 4483

correction: I do own Bofur and I considered it instead of Gondorian Shield initially as Mablung usually quests, it's a good idea probably ;).

Sep 06, 2023 doomguard 2191

for the future, aim for: Beorn's Rage and Keep Watch and you might allready have Dori he works with Beorn

Sep 06, 2023 warlock000 4483

Yep, those are great suggestions! I would go for Dori if I had Bifur instead of Damrod as a hero. I didn't want to include any 3-cost Lore card and wanted to keep Lore card cost curve rather low.

The last 3 cycles have some great cards...

Sep 06, 2023 doomguard 2191

yea and, with contract, you can start with (MotK) Dori perhps you are interested in a complete-pool-ersion :

i think, its more for multiplayer overall

Sep 06, 2023 Beorn 14320

I give this deck two paws up.