Questlogs using this decklist | |
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None. Self-made deck here. |
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Lords of Gondor (#RCO) | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Card draw simulator |
0% –
0% –
Gameplay simulator | ||
In Play
Discard Pile
Gonfindel 1966
(EXPLANATION in english below)
"¡Gondor! ¡Gondor, entre las montañas y el mar! El viento del oeste sopló allí; luz sobre el Árbol de Plata..." – Aragorn, "Las Dos Torres".
Hecho sólo con cartas reeditadas (RCO).
Mazo con el que intentaremos aprovechar al máximo las habilidades de estos tres Señores. Además llevaremos ataque 40 y defensa 47 .
Aragorn y el Príncipe Imrahil podrán ir a misión y estar preparados para el combate. La defensa correrá a cargo principalmente de los aliados que vayamos jugando desde la mano o poniendo en juego con la habilidad del Príncipe Imrahil.
Prince Imrahil: cuando sea necesario en la fase de combate, pondrá en juego aliados Gondor y guerreros (Beorn, elfos y un enano). Cuando tenga Heir of Mardil y reciba un recurso de Denethor, se preparará para el combate.
Denethor acelera el comienzo de la partida con 2 recursos extra. Además, en cada turno podrá mover un recurso al Príncipe Imrahil o a Aragorn si lleva el Senescal.
Aragorn: intentaremos que no le falte un recurso para que pueda ir a misión y estar preparado para el combate con su habilidad.
Beorn entrará en juego con Príncipe Imrahil o con Ataque Furtivo si lo hemos robado, así volverá al mazo y lo iremos ciclando.
Faramir como es habitual será vital para ir a misión.
Guardian of Rivendell es un poderoso aliado que podremos jugar con Príncipe Imrahil. También con recursos y así descartar las cartas repetidas en mano.
Visionary Leadership. Es muy importante jugar esta carta para potenciar la Voluntad del mazo.
Heir of Mardil la jugaremos en el Príncipe Imrahil para que se prepare para el combate cuando Denethor le pase un recurso.
Steward of Gondor la jugaremos en Denethor para que genere más recursos y los podamos mover al Príncipe Imrahil. Otra opción es ponerlo en Aragorn para que tenga el rasgo Gondor.
Rod of the Steward para tener robo extra de cartas si fuera necesario. Se lo pondremos al héroe que lleve el Senescal.
Captain's Wisdom será una gran ayuda para acelerar la partida. Si sale al final, podremos aprovecharlo para robar una carta con Rod of the Steward.
Sneak Attack, además del típico combo con Gandalf, nos ayudará a poner en juego a Beorn si lo hemos robado. Luego podremos usar su habilidad para devolverlo al mazo y jugarlo con el Príncipe más veces.
VOLUNTAD : de inicio será nuestra peor estadística ya que el ataque y la defensa son poderosos, pero contamos con grandes ayudas como Visionary Leadership, Faramir y Celebrían's Stone en Aragorn.
RECURSOS EXTRA : con Steward of Gondor y Captain's Wisdom, además de los 2 de Denethor a principio de partida.
ROBO EXTRA DE CARTAS : tenemos varias cartas como Rod of the Steward, Soldier of Gondor y Valiant Sacrifice que podremos usar tras la habilidad del Príncipe Imrahil.
SANACIÓN : con Dúnedain Remedy.
El mazo funciona muy bien en cuanto se entienden y se aprovechan todas las sinergias de las cartas.
-------- ENGLISH ------->>>
"Gondor! Gondor, between the Mountains and the Sea! West Wind blew there; light upon the Silver Tree..." – Aragorn, "The Two Towers".
Revised Content Only (RCO).
Deck with which we will try to make the most of the abilities of these three Lords. In addition we will have defense attack 40 and defense 47 .
Aragorn and Prince Imrahil will be able to go on to quest and be ready for combat. The defense will be carried out mainly by the allies that we will play or put into play with the ability of Prince Imrahil.
Prince Imrahil: when necessary in the combat phase, he will bring into play Gondor allies and warriors (Beorn, elves and a dwarf). When he has Heir of Mardil and receives a resource from Denethor, he will prepare for combat.
Denethor speed up the start of the game with 2 extra resources. In addition, each turn you can move a resource to Prince Imrahil or Aragorn if he has the Steward.
Aragorn: we will try to make sure that he does not lack a resource so that he will can to quest and be ready for combat with his ability.
Beorn will enter the game with Prince Imrahil or with Sneak Attack if we have drawn him, so he will return to the deck and we will cycle him.
Faramir as usual will be vital to quest.
Guardian of Rivendell is a powerful ally that we can play with Prince Imrahil. Also with resources and thus discard the repeated cards in hand.
Visionary Leadership. It is very important to play this card to boost the Willpower of the deck.
Heir of Mardil will be played on Prince Imrahil to prepare him for combat when Denethor gives him a resource.
Steward of Gondor on Denethor so that he generates more resources and we can move them to the Prince Imrahil. Another option is to put it on Aragorn so that he has the Gondor trait.
Rod of the Steward to have extra card draw if necessary. We'll put it on the hero with the Steward.
Captain's Wisdom will be a great help to speed up the game. If it comes out at the end, we can take advantage of it to draw a card with Rod of the Steward.
Sneak Attack, in addition to the typical combo with Gandalf, will help us put Beorn into play if we have drawn it. Then we can use his ability to return him to the deck and play him with the Prince more times.
WILLPOWER : Initially it will be our worst stat because attack and defense are powerful, but we have great help like Visionary Leadership, Faramir and Celebrían's Stone in Aragorn.
EXTRA RESOURCES : with Steward of Gondor and Captain's Wisdom, in addition to Denethor's 2 at the beginning of the game.
EXTRA CARD DRAW : we have several cards like Rod of the Steward, Soldier of Gondor and Valiant Sacrifice that we can use after Prince Imrahil's ability.
HEALING : with Dúnedain Remedy.
The deck works very well as soon as all the synergies of the cards are understood and taken advantage of.
Aug 21, 2023 |
Aug 21, 2023Hello friend, it is also a very good option! Thanks for your comment. :-) |
Aug 22, 2023Nice deck, I would consider adding a couple of Gondorian Shield to improve Denethor or Imhrail defensive abilities. |
Aug 22, 2023Hello What you mention is another good option, reinforce a hero to defend. Althought now the deck with these attachments is designed for the heroes go to quest and attack, mainly. The allies in play or that Prince Imrahil is putting into play are in charge of the defense. ;-) |
I like the idea of this deck! I would put Steward of Gondor on Aragorn though because otherwise you cannot give him the resource from Denethor because he does not have the Gondor trait.