Battle at the Edge of Fangorn (#RCO)

Questlogs using this decklist
Passage Through Mirkwood - 1 Player - 2023-07-26
Journey Along the Anduin - 1 Player - 2023-07-26
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Card draw simulator
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Isidore 676

Revised Content Only

"Fangorn! What madness drove them in there?"

Gimli in The Lord of the Rings, The Two Tower

Merry & Pippin make an escape through Fangorn while the Rohirrims charge the ennemy

Strengths: Low starting threat, threat management, ennemy clearing on staging area

Weaknesses: Resource management, questing dependent on Allies

Basically the hobbits Smoke Rings, while DĂșnhere and the Ents deal with the ennemy !

This thematic deck can be improved by including cards outside of the Hobbits archetype, feel free to share your ideas, respecting the theme or not!


Jul 18, 2023 Marctimmins89 116

This deck looks like a lot of fun. I'd love to give it a go sometime. I'd probably up Bilbo and the Pipes up to 3 x each. If I get a second Bilbo in hand I'd chump with the 1st and play him again for an extra pipe. How does this go in quests starting with an engaged enemy? I imagine it'd struggle to get off the ground fast.

Jul 24, 2023 Isidore 676

Hey @Marctimmins89!

Thanks for your interest, I agree that having x3 of Bilbo Baggins might prove useful: I'd probably withdraw the other 2 unique hobbit allies ..? Or maybe just Sam Gamgee and 1 Daeron's Runes.

I haven't been able to test it against such quests, as it would need to have a 22 enemy from the start.

I've found that the key is to start with at least 1 Spear of the Mark in your starting hand, this way you can start to manage things quite easily hitting an enemy for 5 in the staging area from turn 1 is quite ridiculous !

Anyway, let me know if you test it and how it went and if you had fun !