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Erestor Fast & Furious (#RCO) | 37 | 28 | 8 | 1.0 |
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Card draw simulator |
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0% –
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In Play
Discard Pile
Gonfindel 1960
(EXPLANATION in english below)
"(Círdan) Era muy alto, de barba larga, y todo gris y muy anciano, salvo los ojos que eran vivos y luminosos como las estrellas... " – El Retorno del Rey.
Mazo sólo con cartas reeditadas (RCO).
Pensado para que Círdan the Shipwright luzca su habilidad y estadísticas:
Dagger of Westernesse para pontenciar su ataque.
Fair and Perilous y las dagas para alcanzar 14 si hace falta.
Narya nos aporta su habilidad y nos permitirá jugar Dúnedain Remedy para que haya sanación en el mazo.
IMPORTANTE: Mulligan para buscar Silver Harp y no perder una carta al comienzo de turno con la habilidad de Círdan. El Arpa se la pondremos a Arwen, incluso dos a la vez. La segunda para cuando activemos la habilidad de Arwen.
Arwen Undómiel nos proporcionará un recurso extra cada turno si es necesario.
Beregond: le pondremos sin coste de recursos Gondorian Shield y Raven-winged Helm. Citadel Plate sólo por 2. Será nuestro muro defensor. (Con la expansión Ered Mithrin podemos meter en el mazo 1 Hauberk of Mail y quitamos 1 Gondorian Shield).
Unexpected Courage en Círdan para que pueda ir a misión junto a Arwen y luego pegar en combate o usar su anillo. Como segunda opción pondremos un Coraje en Beregond para tener doble defensa.
CONTROL DE AMENAZA : con Elrond's Counsel y Gandalf.
SANACIÓN : podremos usar Dúnedain Remedy gracias a Narya.
Cuando estén en juego Northern Tracker y Rhovanion Outrider, limpiarán los lugares con mucha facilidad, Arwen ayudará yendo a misión. Mientras, Beregond defenderá y Círdan hará lo que él quiera.
-------- ENGLISH ------->>>
"(Círdan) Very tall he was, and his beard was long, and he was grey and old, save that his eyes were keen as stars... " – The Return of the King.
Revised Content Only (RCO).
Designed for Círdan the Shipwright to show off its ability and stats:
Westernesse Dagger to enhance his attack.
Fair and Perilous and the daggers to reach 14 if necessary.
Narya in addition to its "Action", will allow us to play Dúnedain Remedy to have healing in the deck.
IMPORTANT: Mulligan to look for Silver Harp and not lose a card at the beginning of the turn with Círdan's ability. We will put the Harp on Arwen, even two at a time. The second for when we activate Arwen's ability.
Arwen Undómiel give us an extra resource every turn if necessary.
Beregond: we will put Gondorian Shield and Raven-winged Helm at no resource cost. Citadel Token only for 2. He will be our defensive wall. (With the Ered Mithrin expansion we can put 1 Hauberk of Mail in the deck and remove 1 Gondorian Shield).
Unexpected Courage on Círdan so he will can quest with Arwen and then hit in combat or use his ring. As a second option we will put Courage in Beregond to have double defender.
THREAT CONTROL : with Elrond's Counsel and Gandalf.
HEALING : we can use Dúnedain Remedy when Narya is in play.
When Northern Tracker and Rhovanion Outrider are in play, they will clear the locations cards very easily, Arwen will help going to quest. Meanwhile, Beregond will defend and Círdan will do what he wants.