Elrond, Lord of the Outlands

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Elrond, Lord of the Outlands 4 2 0 1.0
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SecondhandTook 587

An update on my previous Outland build. Below are my changes, the deck's original notes as well as this link to the original blog post: https://secondhandtook.wordpress.com/2015/10/14/elrond-lord-of-the-outlands/

Hunter of Lamedon - the card advantage was nice but the deck is has enough non-Outlands cards that it's too risky.
Gléowine - Lore resources were already stretched thin. Went for alternative card draw.
Faramir - moved to sideboard due to unique conflicts across the table happening often.
Warden of Healing - reduced to 2 copies to make room for other Lore cards.
Cram - replaced with Armored Destrier.
Horn of Gondor - didn't see enough triggers.
Raven-winged Helm - reduced to 2 copies to make room for other Tactics events.
Sword of Morthond - came up too seldom.
Men of the West - Didn't find it useful.
Tighten Our Belts - mostly removed to make room for more cards. May come back in later.

Errand-rider - Beregond typically has extra resources due to his ability. Errand-Rider makes use of those extra tactics resources, relieving the stress of Elrond or Hirluin. Especially useful if another player NEEDS Steward of Gondor (often in this deck's sideboard due to conflict issues).
Ioreth - A newer healing option, less stressful on Lore resources in the beginning and works well for sailing tests. Also good for other players to use.
Gondorian Spearman - Brought in one copy to help chip away at an enemy or be a slightly better chump blocker.
Armored Destrier - Great addition. Throw it on Beregond to handle most attacks.
DĂșnedain Warning - Can give Beregond an extra boost or help other Heroes on the table (maybe even Elrond if combat gets heavy).
The Long Defeat - easily switched out on scenarios where this is a dud. Otherwise, fills in the appropriate gaps of some of the cards that were removed from the list.
A Good Harvest - Another alternative to gaining resources instead of using Steward.
Campfire Tales - Another card draw option in lieu of Gleowine that helps other players too. Also frees up Lore resources.
Feint - Needed for any aggro encounter decks/ helping other players when Beregond is exhausted.
Gaining Strength - alternative resource gain for Elrond or Hirluin.
Revealed in Wrath - my favorite new card in the deck. Makes combat/ engagement effects much more manageable.

One of my favorite decks I have built. Granted it is an Outlands list and to some such a deck may seem overdone and no longer interesting. I am glad to have a deck like this if only to give to new players. It provides an easy to learn but powerful strategy, gives them a chance to participate in most if not all aspects of a quest, and has effects that are relatively easy to remember/account for.

Originally featured on my blog post also titled, Elrond, Lord of the Outlands, this deck focuses on giving resources to either Elrond or Hirluin the Fair so that we can churn out as many Outlands Allies as possible. Beregond is here as a nice and stalwart defender should a new player overextend their reach. In other cases it gives them a chance to learn more about multiplayer keywords like Sentinel and can help bolster the cooperative nature of the game.

The only downside to the deck is that it is Ally dependent and in some of the more recent quests such an approach may be punished. Even so I love this deck and would gladly give it to a new player.