Questlogs using this decklist | |
None. |
Fellowships using this decklist | |
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Derived from |
None. Self-made deck here. |
Inspiration for | ||||
The Three Hunters | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Card draw simulator |
0% –
0% –
Gameplay simulator | ||
In Play
Discard Pile
Buster 38
This is the first deck I made that I won in one handed solo! It relies heavily on Celebrían's Stone and Steward of Gondor.
Aragorn: Attach Celebrían's Stone and Steward of Gondor and quest every round. Don't use his resources for reading unless you need to; save them for buying cards.
Gimli: Attach Citadel Plate and at least one Unexpected Courage. Defend with Gimli whenever you can, and quest with him when you don't need to defend. Use Unexpected Courage to quest, unless you have a big enemy to take out with Gimli's attack boost.
Legolas: He'll be the main attacker. Attach Blade of Gondolin to enhance his ability to place progress, and a Dwarven Axe if you have one.
Other Cards
Celebrían's Stone: It is critical that you get this card quickly! Mulligan for it unless you have a really good hand. Put it on Aragorn.
Steward of Gondor: This is also a very important card. Attach to Aragorn to pay for the many cards.
Unexpected Courage: Put at least one on Gimli, use discretion for the second one if you come across it.
Faramir: He's your most important ally. If only one character is committed to the quest, then commit him as well. Otherwise use his ability.
This deck lacks any healing and little card draw, so use caution in those areas. Threat can easily increase, so it's very important to get Celebrían's Stone to boost Aragorn's willpower and to get access to threat reduction in the sphere. If I had more than just the Core Set, then this could be a pretty good deck. So unfortunately this deck has to rely on some luck to be good. Feel free to comment or ask questions!