Double Denethor's ghost blesses Rohan's royal wedding

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Denethor's ghost blesses Rohan's royal wedding 1 0 0 1.0
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Mellick3 4

Intro: This is a great versatile true solo deck, that can also play in team as versatile deck (it provides good aggro stats and good support stuff).

Budget and Acquisitions: It did it with very minimal amount of budget (50-70€): 1x Old Core Set 1x Defender of Gondor 1x Riders of Rohan basically

  • Conflict at the carrock for Dúnedain Warning that you can replace with the third Gondorian Shield but this way you cannot stack up all shield on Denethor.

  • 6 proxy cards (it means 1 A4 printed page):

1x Denethor: fundamental 2x Gamling (saga): very useful 2x Gúthwinë(saga): almost fundamental 1x Elrond (saga): replaceable (it depends on the scenarios, see later)

eventually Déorwine: replaceable for the third Defender of Rammas, but cheap is better.

(I will share a link with this page if you ask me) with another Sneak Attack and Unexpected Courage or with 2 spaces blanks.

Notes You want to use the effectof Lothíriel mainy on Escort from Edoras and Westfold Lancer. But theoretically you can use it with all allies except for Gandalf, Elrond and Northern Tracker, in combination with Horn of the Mark and Visionary Leadership to cycle a card and pump the willpower (on Lothíriel You use Gúthwinë and Firefoot on Éomer. Remember to use Gamling, Gúthwinë to recover Rohan allies and Valiant Sacrifice when you needed it. Northern Tracker doesn't have particular keywords but he's useful for location control and it is selfsufficient with 3 hp.

Sideboard The important cards of the sideboard are Denethor, The Galadhrim's Greeting and Valiant Sacrifice, the last one is just to notice that you found 2 copies in core set and that is the third you use in the main deck. Denethor is used just with Helm of Secrecy, this way you can mantain your upgrades, cure him (important because he is your main defender against big non-lethal attacks) and have access to green to splash Elrond from hand, or the other cards you want/insert to replace him (Erebor Hammersmith, Miner of the Iron Hills, Healing Herbs, Ithilien Lookout, etc). Notice that you can also use Ithilien Lookout with Lothíriel. In many games you won't see or use Helm of Secrecy. Two cases: 1) You simply don't need it and you want to use violet 2) You play Elrond with Stand and Fight from cemetery (if you can randomly discard it from your hand [see cards as Protector of Lórien or Éowyn from a team mate maybe {note: you can also play Éowyn to "heal" Lothiriel or to rush a scenario}]. More easily you can use Sneak Attack on him, but is subottimal, cause Gandalf cost more so value correctly the situation, don't throw Sneak Attack just to heal a couple of wounds on a sacrificable ally, for example.


Apr 18, 2023 doomguard 2170

i think "enter" includes "put" imo enter includes all forms of "come into play"

Apr 18, 2023 Mellick3 4

@doomguard you are right, thanks ;) I fixed the notes