The Neutral Deck

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
The Neutral Deck 0 0 0 2.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Stoved86 413

Stoved86 has a newer deck inspired by this one: The Neutral Deck

Is it possible to build a viable deck that includes exclusively neutral cards? After you read this deck list, I'm sure you will agree with me that the answer is undoubtedly: "No, no it is not."

However, that didn't stop me from trying. I actually spent quite a while looking over the very limited pool of neutral cards to build a half-way thought out deck. The first thing I realized was, if I want to hit 50 cards, it is important to have Gandalf as a hero. All of his toys help fill out the deck list without having to scrape the bottom of the neutral card barrel.

If you look at any of the cards in this list and ask yourself, "why did he include that?" I assure you, there was a good reason (or at least a mediocre reason). Most of the time it was simply because I needed a neutral card to fill out the deck. I will point out a few of the note-worthy choices and explain my logic:

Denethor: His setup text allows you to play an turn-one Treebeard which can be invaluable over the course of the game. He also allows you to play a few of Gandalf's toys early which can help you establish your board.

Guardian of Rivendell: Its here to act as a moderate defender and pitch the duplicates of your uniques.

White Tower Watchman: I almost pulled this card from the list, but then I remembered that Narya grants Gandalf the icon, and thus you can use the ability.

Palantir: This is here for the same reason that bacon exists; The flavor. "Mmmm... Palantir."

Well-Equipped: This card is here for a very specific reason. I initially dismissed this card because there are no dwarf heroes in the deck. However, since Gandalf allows you to look at the top of your deck and Wizard Pipe allows you to swap out cards, you can use Well-Equipped to play Ered Luin Miner for free or get the benefit from Hidden Cache. These are corner cases, but with so few alternatives, this seemed like a worthy include.

This deck is bad and should never be played by anyone... ever. However, it is a fun thought experiment and provided me a reason to re-examine a lot of the neutral cards in this game. I had forgotten about some of these. I would welcome any feedback you have about this deck and want know what you would have done differently. Thanks for reading.

Take care.


Nov 29, 2016 Kakita_Shiro 41

Justice Shall Be Done is Limit 1/deck.

Nov 29, 2016 Stoved86 413

@Kakita_Shiro good catch. Thanks for pointing that out.

Nov 30, 2016 pokie 85

Neat idea. It's fun to challenge yourself. I would suggest replacing the extra Justice with Gather Information.

Nov 30, 2016 Sechen 130

I love it! Watch out for the Master's Malice though

Nov 30, 2016 Stoved86 413

@pokie That is a good idea. I honestly completely forgot about side quests while I was doing this.

@Sechen Master's Malice is always a pain. You gave me chills thinking about what it would do to this deck.

Dec 02, 2016 pokie 85

@SechenLet's face it - this deck is not realistically fit to play quests from the Numenor fat pack.