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Helm's Deep | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
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In Play
Discard Pile
TheChad 14139
The Thematic Saga continues with Helm's Deep
The video can be found here:
In this series I am trying to use as many thematic cards as possible as I play the Lord of the Rings Saga quests in order, in a modified campaign mode. The modification is that I will not be raising my threat if I swap heroes in-between quests.
The Three Hunters are needed to help the people of Rohan as they endure a siege at Helm's Deep. Aragorn armed with Andúril fights alongside Éomer who wields Gúthwinë. They must Man the Walls with other Proud Hunters as they face the Tough Uruk-hai. They are joined by Legolas and Gimli and many other Rohan allies that were marshaled by Theoden, who is no longer under the spell of Saruman, but the Poisoned Counsels of Grima Wormtounge have required Gandalf to ride off on Shadowfax in search of Erkenbrand and his army.
At the Deep they Open the Armory and equip the brave fighters with Hauberk of Mail, Raiment of War, Round Shields, and Spears of the Mark.
During the battle Legolas and Gimli engage in a game of Keeping Count. Brave (MotK) Déorwine helps hold the defense alongside Háma, Grimbold, and Guthlaf.
After an endless night the free peoples are victorious as Gandalf arrives as the dawn breaks.
I had to make a decision when building this deck because if I choose to use Théoden then I am committing to and I also need to find Snowmane to get enough value from Theoden to be worth his threat and ability. However, Snowmane is not very good for this quest because questing successfully is not an easy thing to do.
Ultimately I decided that since Gandalf and Theoden both contributed to the battle in very similar ways it was thematic to include either of them. I also had considered Erkenbrand but I needed a hero. Éomer is SO GOOD for this quest because there is a mechanic that can add an enemy to the staging area after combat, giving him a target when he commits to the quest.
The ideal cards you want in your opening hand are Proud Hunters and Spear of the Mark. If Eomer can destroy that 4 enemy in the Staging area and collect 4 resources you are setting yourself up very well. Also, Gúthwinë and Grimbold are a wonderful combo to have repeating.