Trixie Hobbitses

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Derived from
Tricksy Hobbitses 0 0 2 1.0
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Trixie Hobbitses 1 0 0 4.0
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BrandonB 17

BrandonB has a newer deck inspired by this one: Trixie Hobbitses

This deck is a lot of fun to pay. I'm currently in a 3 person campaign setting, and this deck synergizes well since it can quest decent, block, and kill something almost every turn. I also like to sub in various cards to address more specifically whatever the upcoming quest entails. For example, using None Return and Out of the Wild to remove multiple Nazgul can be a life saver.

One of the other hero decks has Legolas, which when combined with Merry is almost always good for 2 progress a turn (if not 4). This goes especially great with Strider's Path if we're facing a location-heavy encounter deck.

Another deck uses Beregond, which usually helps reduce my threat 2-4 per game. That same deck plays Elrond so healing isn't usually a problem. But I am considering trying to add in 2 Dúnedain Remedy, especially for when we take on the Balrog.

As of a couple of game ago, Sam Gamgee now starts with the Tireless Ranger boon attached (+1 shield and the Ranger trait). I've got a lot of cards listed in my sideboard right now mostly as reminders as I think about ways to change my deck.

My biggest issue with this deck is it sometimes can't keep up with the cost of all the Lore cards, especially when I can't play Out of the Wild in secrecy. It also doesn't help that I like to sub in more lore cards for specific encounters. Another big issue with this deck is if I don't draw a Dagger of Westernesse, Foe-hammer just sits in my hand, and the deck really starts to stall.

I really like how this deck can stand on its own without too much help from allies. It's extremely satisfying to watch Merry solo Nazgul or team up with Legolas to one-shot the boss bad. I'd be happy to happy to hear any suggestions on how to improve this deck going forward.


Nov 19, 2016 The Purple Wizard 1195

I love a good hobbit deck! Such a fun trait. Anyway, you asked for suggestions so here are a few:

~As for resources, you could go with Resourceful but you'd need to mulligan for it and buy it round one. If you find it that solves the whole problem but if you can't get it in secrecy it's a wasted card in your deck. A hit or miss option. I think you might be better off with a trio of Errand-riders. They can put your resources exactly where you need them each round and if you don't need them they double as sacrificial chump blockers.

~I used to throw in three copies of Gléowine with my hobbit decks for consistent card draw, and you could totally try that, but that might wind up exacerbating your lore resource problem. I think what I'd do here is swap out your Foe-hammers for Peace, and Thought. Exhausting your heroes isn't a huge problem with Sam's inherent readying and Fast Hitch to help you out. At the very least your deck shouldn't stall with them in your hand. VERY powerful card.

~Are you using Secret Vigil mostly for your own deck's sake or for the rest of the fellowship? If it's mostly for you I think you don't really need it. Between Gandalf's threat reduction and Pippin and Halbarad's engagement raising you should be set against the majority of quests. Perhaps this could be the card you drop out for the Errand Riders?

Just my three cents. :) Happy questing!

Nov 19, 2016 BrandonB 17

These are some great comments @The Purple Wizard.

I'd like to play Resourceful, but it's just too risky to ensure I get it round 1. However, I think replacing my 3 Secret Vigils with Errand-riders could do the trick.

At first, I really didn't like the idea of using Peace, and Thought instead of Foe-hammer because it taps 2 heroes AND makes my green problem even worse. However, Errand-rider solve the cost problem. And if I add in 3 Dúnedain Hunter, that could untap Sam Gamgee before questing. The Hunters could even help in making Halbarad cheaper if I had them in combination.

I'd most likely take out Frodo's Intuition to make room for the Hunters since this card has proven so situational in a 3-player game with folks using Fellowship resources to play artifacts.

I'm also thinking of dropping Warden of Healing for Dúnedain Remedy to further reduce the Green burden.

Nov 20, 2016 The Purple Wizard 1195

If you really want to go Resourceful, you could pull it off with adding Vanish from Sight to your deck. That would help with the Secrecy on Out of the Wild too. But since most of your deck is low-cost it's probably not all that necessary. I'm a fan of Tighten Our Belts so if you start running low on resources you could try that. If you're set, you could always play it on someone else.

The Dúnedain Hunter is intriguing. I've never done it with a hobbit deck before but I can see the benefits. Here's my concern: does this deck really NEED more attacking? Between your daggers, unseen strikes, Gandalfs, and your friend's Legolas aren't you already set there? I personally would rather see Taste it Again!, Cram, or Mablung in my hand. Give the hunter a try and see how it goes but if you find he's sitting there wasted or you're afraid to bring him into play see what else you can do.

Does your Elrond friend run Wardens? If so, you might be fine relying on the Remedy for spot healing or even drop it out altogether on less damaging quests. But if you're the main source of healing for the group you'll want the wardens. If you're planning on using the remedies on most turns then the wardens will be cheaper in the long run.

Nov 20, 2016 BrandonB 17

@The Purple Wizard, both the other decks run healing; thus, the Wardens don't play the primary healing role. However, since we use Treebeard for a lot of pump-questing, we're often a bit behind on the damage front.

I do like Taste it Again! and Mablung a lot, but so far I like the Hunters most because they can help with both Peace, and Thought and Halbarad while triggering off Pippin's card draw and giving me a long-term blocker or a Legolas alternative for 0 resources. Mablung fills a lot of these roles, but it does so at the cost of both 2 more resources and being a unique card. The Hunters will likely be my top substitute out of the deck though.