Minimum Conflict Deck

Questlogs using this decklist
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Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Taurelin 518

"What? Gandalf + Elrond? But then I can't use my Sneak Attack combo..."

"Sorry, you can't play with -Eowyn. I need -Eowyn for my deck."

"Is it okay if I play Glorfindel?" "No, I want Glorfindel." "Wait, I have Glorfindel, too ..."

"Deep Knowledge? You mean doomed? Go away, please!"

This deck is the solution if you want to avoid situations like those outlined above when

  • joining a new group
  • sitting down at a random-table at a larger convention
  • introducing newbies to the game ("Here, grab this deck and play along").

Deck concept:

The purpose of this deck is to avoid conflicts with other decks, while bringing some flexible stats and utility on the table.

  • No doomed cards
  • No side quests
  • No uniques besides your single hero.

I chose Beravor as the default option, because her stats are well-balanced, and her ability is universally useful, especially with the contract. But if another player insists on using her, you can simply choose any alternative from the sideboard. If you pick a -hero, don't forget to exchange the songs, too, as your starting-attachment.

Synergies / mini-combos:

  • The Outlands boost each other.
  • The Eagles synergize with themselves, too, have fantastic allround-stats, and are excellent targets for A very Good Tale (both ways) and Timely Aid.
  • Stargazer + Zigil give additional resources.


In the early-game, try to abuse secrecy as best as possible. Resourceful is a card you want to mulligan for, in particular.

Note that you should play your -Events first in your planning phase.

Apart from that, pay attention to what is required. If your fellow-players need healing, bring in the Wardens. If treacheries are a problem, have A Test of Will (and a resource) ready. If there is the danger of location lock, concentrate on Outriders + Trackers. If someone needs cards, Beravor can provide them. ...

Successful playtesting

  • Passage through Mirkwood (solo)
  • Journey along the Anduin (solo)
  • Foundations of Stone (solo)
  • Voyage across Belegaer (2-handed)

Feb 03, 2023 NERD 873

Feb 03, 2023 Taurelin 518

I messed around with Ranger of Cardolan, but liked the Eagles better. They have the same (even slightly better) stats than the Rangers, and if they die, they boost another one.

I didn't consider the Soldiers of Erebor, tbh, but they are a valid option. Although they lack willpower, and with Zigils + AVGT present, the deck would thin quite quickly, so I might need Will of the West then.

Feb 03, 2023 doomguard 2191

i am not sure that miner-stargazer do make a difference, would try to get more of the "bonuscards" (aid, tales ) into play and therefore the Drinking Song helps, even without a hobbit specially with Beravor.

and consider, what @NERD say

Feb 03, 2023 Taurelin 518

Played with Drinking Song in the first version, too, and wasn't convinced. I rather felt that I had so many cards that even with Resourceful I couldn't play them all. That's why I opted for additional resources.

Feb 03, 2023 doomguard 2191

i think, then you are perhaps at a point, where it is of more use to use Beravor or other player. if you have about -6 allies "cheated" in 1-2 Resourceful out to buy with contract 1-2allies more per round, you have good boardstate and an support others.

solo u are right.

Feb 03, 2023 kjeld 709

Feb 06, 2023 NERD 873

If you just want stats, there are better options than the Eagles of the Misty Mountains. Knights of the Swan would help with attack. Even Knight of the White Tower is better at defense.

Feb 07, 2023 Taurelin 518

All valid options.