
Questlogs using this decklist
Danger in Dorwinion - 2 Players - 2023-02-03
Peril in Pelargir - 1 Player - 2023-02-05
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

TheMisFitMan 347

Aragorn begins the game with The One Ring, Strider and Estel (from the sideboard) attached.

Pick Inner Strength or Strength and Courage as your "Master"-card (depends on the quest setup: If you want to kill an already engaged enemy first round, take Strength and Courage, otherwise Inner Strength for shadow cancellation). Aragorn has 3 traits from the start (Dúnedain. Ranger. Noldor.), so you can search the top 3 cards of your deck with Estel's ability from the beginning. The best you can get is 7 traits (Dúnedain. Ranger. Noldor. Noble. Healer. Warrior. Gondor.), which means 7 cards to pick one from. Since Aragorn can ready a 1-cost "Title"-attachment once per round, you can search two times each round for important cards which fit best for your situation. Use Elven-lights or unique attachments to discard for Estel's action (you can play them from your discard pile with Reforged or shuffle them back into your deck with Will of the West). Draw even more cards by playing Elven-lights from the discard pile.

If Thorongil was attached to your hero, take Aragorn from the sideboard. Since he doesn‘t exhaust to quest with Strider, you can also use his mighty for his location control effect and ready him for combat with Unexpected Courage or Andúril.

Aragorn gains

so that you should soon be able to play all cards from your hand. For those attachments that are yet unplayable in the first place use Reforged.

If you have a or icon, you can play Elrond or Galadriel and

  • use his/her response after being played,
  • let him/her quest and ready him/her with The Renewer,
  • then defend an attack with +1 defense or ready him/her with Elessar and defend another enemy or
  • attack two enemies with him or give him/her +1 attack with Chieftain of the North.

Some tips and tricks:


Feb 03, 2023 Alonewolf87 2439

Nice deck, just a quick thought: you might want to consider taking Elessar instead of Strider with the Contract, to be able to play all those unique Leadership cards, otherwise you are stuck with them until you get Andúril.

Feb 03, 2023 TheMisFitMan 347

@Alonewolf87 Thank you :) With Reforged and Dwarven Tomb (to get it back from your discard pile if needed), I never found it a problem to not have a Icon from the start. Strider compensates for otherwise low willpower in the beginning and allows to use Aragorn‘s ability while questing (if Thorongil is attached). In a multiplayer game Elessar could be a nice pick as a starting attachment, though!

Feb 03, 2023 The1Ringer 50

I'm curious about the inclusion of Celduin Traveler, since he's the only ally Aragorn doesn't share a trait with and therefore cannot target with his titles. Do you just find his ability so useful you would rather have it than any Gondor, Noldor, or Dunedain ally?

Feb 03, 2023 doomguard 2170

@The1Ringer, secrecy

Feb 03, 2023 TheMisFitMan 347

@The1Ringer As doomguard said, he's quick and easy 2 in the beginning with its secrecy lowered cost and a chump blocker later...

Feb 03, 2023 The1Ringer 50

Oh, of course. That makes sense.