Folco Ironfist

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NERD 873

This is my third attempt at empowering Brok Ironfist. Ditch Folco Boffin to enter secrecy once you have found Brok. Then, the contract allows Mr. Ironfist to enter play for free. The rest of the deck uses secrecy tricks to assemble a vertically-challenged army. The contract can target Dáin Ironfoot to boost all characters, Rosie Cotton to boost Dwarven stats, or Bifur for additional card draw. Drinking Song and Daeron's Runes let you find Strider, Timely Aid, and Resourceful quickly. Combining To me! O my kinsfolk! and There and Back Again is a fantastic play to cheat out a Soldier of Erebor. Finally, A Lesson in Caution lets you stay in secrecy. I think this is one of the strongest possible decks, themed around Brok Ironfist. I would love to see someone else challenge my attempt.

Have fun,



Jan 28, 2023 doomguard 2191

a hearth or the title!

effectivity aside, its a cool idea, to use the contract for his ability.

i would made few changes:


would discard for it

Jan 29, 2023 Alonewolf87 2449

Personally I think that with a complete card pool the possible best use of Brok Ironfist would be in a Bond of Friendship Dwarf deck, that uses Bombur to start with 5 Dwarves in play (and as an early defender), then later in the game uses Helm of Secrecy to bring Ori in play (for extra draw) in place of Bombur. This makes a Dwarf hero leave play so you get to trigger Brok Ironfist

Jan 29, 2023 doomguard 2191

i am not sure, that "swap" includes "leaving"

Jan 29, 2023 Alonewolf87 2449

The swapped hero is moving from your play area to your collection (which is definitely an out of play area) so yeah, I would say it's leaving play.

Jan 29, 2023 doomguard 2191

understandable view, but not really defined.

Jan 29, 2023 NERD 873

Bond of Friendship never crossed my mind. That is a great idea and almost certainly stronger than this deck. Another King Under the Mountain would be good. I completely forgot about The Shirefolk.

Jan 29, 2023 Alonewolf87 2449

@doomguard There is no explicit definition for moving a card to your collection, but personally I think that this bit from the Rules Reference covers it already quite clearly:

A card leaves play when it moves from a play area to an out-of-play destination.

Jan 29, 2023 doomguard 2191

i follow you about 70 % ;)