Scout a Path!

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D4rkWolf10 505

`Some of the scouts have been sent out already. More will go tomorrow. Elrond is sending Elves, and they will get in touch with the Rangers, and maybe with Thranduil's folk in Mirkwood. And Aragorn has gone with Elrond's sons. We shall have to scour the lands all round for many long leagues before any move is made. So cheer up, Frodo! You will probably make quite a long stay here.'

-Gandalf, The Fellowship of the Ring

Since I haven't seen one yet, here's my take on a Scout deck! Scouting Party has the potential to be a game breaking event in the right situations, and has seemed like a really fun event to try to build around for a while now.

The Scout allies in general have a strong theme of location control, which in my mind is a thematic bonus. Not only do you have a lot of quest power, but getting deadlocked with locations you can't clear in a scenario is a thing of the past. Your allies all range on the more expensive side, but with proper management of resources and utilization of Elf Stone, you can build a band of Scouts rather quickly to start questing for lots.

Denethor is intended to be your scryer if needed as well as your primary defender. With all your location management and questing power, you stand a very reasonable chance of consistently readying Idraen to attack, or even defend in a pinch. Lanwyn might be a little harder to trigger consistently, but when you get it you'll be looking at 6 attack ready to swing on any enemies you engage.

This deck was designed with the assumption you'll be playing with other people, hopefully with a more combat oriented deck, as that is obviously not your strength. Please comment and feel free to suggest improvements!


Nov 01, 2016 WingfootRanger 2729

I like this a lot, I can see that it could definitely attain high levels of willpower. Scouting Party is like the Faramir of the sphere. Good job thinking of Double Back to cover for the doomed effects you are using. There are some quests where I would choose Hasty Stroke over Tides of Fate depending on the shadow cards. I might prefer Gléowine over Henamarth Riversong for the extra card draw, but I see how Henamarth is more thematic. What role does Elwing's Flight play in this deck? That's the only thing puzzling me. Have you had a chance to play this with a group yet?

Nov 01, 2016 D4rkWolf10 505

@WingfootRanger, thanks for the questions and I'm glad you like the deck! In terms of Henamarth Riversong and Elwing's Flight, I included the former for scrying the encounter deck before deciding if you want to use Denethor for his ability or as a potential defender, and the latter to help ready Idraen or Lanwyn if 1) you need an emergency extra defender or 2) If you really can't trigger their effects through questing or location control and you need to kill something. I'm definitely open to suggestions if you think something would be better. I haven't had a chance to test this yet due to my work schedule but hopefully sometime this week.

Nov 01, 2016 D4rkWolf10 505

I feel I should have clarified in the deck explanation as well that I am trying to use some different draw cards since some of the power cards like Daeron's Runes are currently being used in another one of my decks, so there may be a painfully obvious upgrade or two that if you are playing the deck feel free to swap out. For now this is just a theory but I really liked the concept.

Nov 02, 2016 WingfootRanger 2729

I should have known about that scrying combo, I've used it before! I was thinking Miruvor would be cheaper and better than Elwing's Flight, and it usually is. However, Elwing's Flight can ready both of your attacking heroes (or all three) if you have played one previously. I will have to try this out for myself, if I make alterations I will post an inspired version.

Nov 02, 2016 D4rkWolf10 505

Please do! The only sad part of my deck brainstorming is that getting my play group together more than once or sometimes twice a week to test new ideas is pretty difficult due to opposing work schedules and so on. It's unfortunate because I have so many more ideas than I can test in a night. @WingfootRanger given your name I'd love to hear your thoughts on my mono lore rangers deck I've posted :). Another yet untested deck that I'm hoping can be improved on via the community!

Nov 05, 2016 WingfootRanger 2729

I will check it out, but remember, I can only juggle so many decks at once :)

Dec 16, 2016 WingfootRanger 2729

Well, I improved it as much as I could, used A Good Harvest to increase resource flexibility, and added more card draw. It passed Across the Ettenmoors just fine in two-handed play, so I brought out The Steward's Fear to give it a more strenuous test of its abilities and endurance. And it kept getting its face bashed in on the streets of Minas Tirith. It's as you said, the allies cost too much for this deck, which makes it too slow to build up willpower or location control potential. I guess it's back to the drawing board. I have a completely different scout deck in the works now, it looks like it could actually work.

Dec 17, 2016 D4rkWolf10 505

Have you considered an alternate strategy in the secrecy arena? I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility, although it's very possible that my hero choices are incorrect. Strider still seems like a pretty strong card, and with enough draw/threat reduction you might be able to make the dependence on Resourceful less of a hindrance. I haven't had a chance yet with my work schedule to test my "Scouting in Secrecy" deck so I don't know if it'll actually hold up or not. What is your strategy in the Scout deck you're concocting?

Dec 17, 2016 D4rkWolf10 505

The real problem with all of this is that there are multiple Scout allies in Leadership, but no hero with the Scout trait. We would have a much easier time I expect if there was.

Dec 17, 2016 WingfootRanger 2729

I still don't consider the secrecy option all that viable for scouts because a dual-sphere secrecy deck still has to rely on cheap cards mostly, and very few of the scouts have the secrecy discount. Say you had one copy of Resourceful attached in the first round, your resource generation per round is still no better than in your three hero scout deck. It's actually worse because you spent a resource and a round just so you could have average resource generation when most of your and scouts are too costly for that curve of 2 resources in one sphere and 1 in the other. Usually if a two hero deck has cards that cost 3 or more it has a bunch of secrecy discounts or it is mono-sphere. I agree that Strider is a strong card, but there is a bigger fish to fry here. We need more ease getting scout allies onto the table. Now, Elfhelm is actually a scout hero. Despite that, I plan to go a different route. Part of the Scout trait intersects with the Silvan trait, ideal for a and build. I have a deck of this sort that I might get a chance to test and post this weekend.

Dec 17, 2016 WingfootRanger 2729

Here is a deck in which I actually used Elfhelm and Scouting Party, which was more so an extra questing push rather than a main pillar of the deck. I plan to update it soon, but maybe it will give you some tech ideas.