Bros for life

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JTG81 81

Here an update version of my original bond of fellowship contract deck. Some changes suggested in my original deck were taken to heart such as removing the Curious Brandybuck in favour of Misty Mountain Journeyman This card fills the cheap will power slot from spirit so any card will do. I like the Journeyman as his condition is really easy to play around (often quests will have you start the game engaged with an enemy so he was really good in my opening hand) but any cheap spirit ally with two willpower will suffice (Galadriel's Handmaiden was the suggested replacement for brandybuck and is also a good choice). Honour Guard was an allstar in my first ever defeat of Fortress of Nurn but you may never get into valour range to trigger his second ability. The second The Galadhrim's Greeting became Double Back. Favor of the Valar was included specifically for the fortress of Nurn so unless the quest you are playing has massive threat bombs or ways to make you lose from threating out feel free to use that utility slot for any other neutral card you wish. I removed Merry for one copy of Armored Destrier to get more utility from Beregond If you happen to get Thalion and Wilyador out together then you have Wilyador's cost covered for the rest of the game so watch out for that combo. Those are all the changes made. I will keep the original write up of how I play the deck. It is very capable to play either solo or multiplayer/two-handed.

Search out The Storm Comes in your opening hand with Thurindir. Use Frodo Baggins every turn to keep threat in check (my targets are usually faramir or quick beam). With both Beregond and Beorn combat shouldn't be an issue. This deck can be used for solo or multiplayer. I've played it against Fortress of Nurn and Peril in Pelagrir with good effect. Gather Information in the sideboard replace 1 copy of Wilyador. Enjoy


Dec 07, 2022 Emmental 472

Really like this line-up of heroes (Note : for my Nurn deck i have replaced Thunrindir with Glorfindel, 1 more / is a nice target for Frodo).

Would replace some ×2 unique, for example Landroval with Pippin (for cheap outside of ).

I would also remove some side quests, especially the horribly bad Explore Secret Ways (why not add a Gléowine instead ? Card draw is always nice)

Dec 07, 2022 LEGOlas 131

Landroval is super good with Beorn and is easily playable with The Storm Comes. Thus, I would not drop him. However, Explore Secret Ways and even Delay the Enemy are not the best.

Dec 07, 2022 JTG81 81

Thanks for checking out the deck. I can explain some of the rational for my card choices. Firstly this deck was built to play against the Fortress of Nurn quest. That is why there may seem like there is some questionable card choices such as cards like explore secret ways or favor of the valar. In that quest if you already have 3 progress on the main quest then you are forced to go on one of the castle side quests which are usually really awful early game. That is why I have a lot of side quests to make sure I have enough to effectively stall the early game (some side quests will be lost under the storm the castle quests). Not to mention Thurinder is a direct counter to Thane Ulchor as his willpower increases for each castle sidequest similar to Thane's threat increase. Against other quests I would swap out delay the enemy explore secret ways favor of the valar for better cards. If you want to swap out Thurindir I think you will lose some consistency in the early game as The Storm Comes is really crucial to have our early.

Dec 08, 2022 Emmental 472

Maybe i was unclear, i didn't suggested to remove Landroval entirely from the deck, but to keep only 1 card.

There is a castle quest that discard duplicates, so for a nurn deck i would avoid ×2 and use a lot of ×1

Ah, and replace one Misty Mountain Journeyman with Sam Gamgee. He costs only 1 with Frodo and he is just better in every way ;-)

Also who is your Helm of Secrecy target ? I think Treebeard would be better instead.

You should also consider Nori. Usually your deck is empty so he is a good way to recurr your discarded attachments, test of will or sneak attack.

Dec 08, 2022 JTG81 81

I like the Sam Gamgee replacement that's a great idea. Maybe I could take out 1 vassal for Nori and see how it goes, I've actually never used Nori but his ability looks really good against Nurn Specifically. As for helm of secrecy I haven't actually had a chance to use it yet (never drew it) but I would probably swap take use it to replace Beregond or Thurindir depending on the situation.

Dec 08, 2022 LEGOlas 131

@Emmental I understood that you only suggested removing one. However, I think that Landroval justifies two copies. If you want side quests, Gather Information is one of the best.

Dec 08, 2022 JTG81 81

The second copy of Wilyador can come out for Gather no doubt but for the fortress of Nurn is Gather information even needed? You start with such a small deck and by the time you are hitting those castle sidequest I don't know if I want to stop to gather information.

Dec 09, 2022 LEGOlas 131

You said you wanted side quests, so I suggested a better one. I don't see why you are now arguing against side quests. Gather Information is almost always better than Explore Secret Ways.

Dec 09, 2022 JTG81 81

I apologize as I didn't mean to come off as argumentative as I really do enjoy people's thoughts and critiques of the card choices. I will try out the changes suggested and I suspect it will make the deck better. Cheers :)