Questlogs using this decklist | |
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Fellowships using this decklist | |
Angmar Awakened - The Wastes of Eriador |
Derived from |
None. Self-made deck here. |
Inspiration for |
None yet. |
Card draw simulator |
0% –
0% –
Gameplay simulator | ||
In Play
Discard Pile
ViniciusCS 175
Celeborn is your main character for questing here, but Beravor should always quest once you have Wingfoot on her and Henamarth Riversong in play. Legolas must be kept ready to help Aragorn fight enemies, but you might be able to send him questing occasionally with the help of a Naith Guide. You should use Beravor's ability on yourself every turn until you have Wingfoot, Henamarth Riversong, O Lórien! and Gondorian Shield (for Eleanor), so the more of these cards you have in your starting hand, the better. Once you have them, Beravor's card draw should be used to help the other player build his engine, but may occasionally be used to get you access to more cards if your resources start piling up and player's threat is under control. Ranger Provisions should be timed well to affect the other player and Ranger Summons should be used ASAP, but may be kept in hand to give you a chance of avoiding a particularly bad encounter once Henamarth Riversong is in play. Ranger of the North may be sacrificed to questing damage or as chump blockers since you can take advantage of the encounter deck shuffling between stages to bring them back to play eventually. Daughter of the Nimrodel is your main answer to cards like Cold from Angmar and Bitting Wind, so always have a Defender of the Naith or a Silverlode Archer in play to protect them from the Predatory Wolves, and use your heroes as buffers for questing damage as much as you can because you can heal them later. Unless there's a more pressing need, use Feigned Voices and The Tree People on Galadhrim Minstrel so you can play them again and draw through your deck faster, and always remember to coordinate the timing of their use with the other player to avoid having him discard any Silvan Refugee unnecessarily.