Providing Defense to the Whole Table

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NERD 873

By playing this deck, your entire fellowship will thank you. It can give Greenwood Defender sentinel and 6 on turn two. You can then defend the entire board. By the third or fourth turn, you will be defending all attacks by buying a Greenwood Defender every round and giving him 7 . Let me explain.

Greenwood Defender needs shield boosts to be effective. While (MotK) Arwen Undómiel and Celeborn help, Elessar provides the real power. By mulliganing for a Greenwood Defender and either Elessar or Elf-friend, Aragorn can find the missing combo piece. Aragorn's other ability ready Elessar once. Elendilmir can let this readying occur twice. The end result is that Elf-friend allows Elessar to target the Greenwood Defender, giving him + 3 .

We Are Not Idle helps thin the deck, while O Lórien! and Steward of Gondor allow you to afford the Greenwood Defender. I doubt other players will complain about you hogging the steward after you defend all their enemies. If you don't get a perfect hand, Gather Information can help find you what you need. You can also put Elessar on Celeborn and skip Elf-friend. However, you won't get Aragorn or Elendilmir's boosts. The Elvenking allows you to return the Greenwood Defender to your hand every round.

The silvan sub-theme makes this deck playable even if you don't get the combo. Sword that was Broken provide plenty of willpower and Thorongil provides versatility. Desperate Alliance is in the sideboard if you want to pass Lore Aragorn around the table.

If you wan't to build a partner deck, consider Círdan the Shipwright for Narya and Beravor for card draw. However, I think this should be fine on its own.

Have Fun,



Nov 14, 2022 doomguard 2190

it rivals the Vigilant Dúnadan whole-tabledefense-deck.

i personally do not like decks that needs the Steward of Gondor except those with the true steward

Nov 14, 2022 Seastan 45852

This doesn't work as well as you think it does :).

Fortunately, the ALeP playtesters foresaw the potential combo with the Greenwood Defender and Vigilant Dúnadan, which is why Elessar's defense bonus only lasts "for that attack" and not "until the end of the phase".

Nov 14, 2022 doomguard 2190

imo in most cases this is enough, asuming there are 6 attacks there may 2 of them have str 6 and the others is less and the 4 with celeborn and arwen is enough for many attacks.

Nov 14, 2022 LEGOlas 131

Ok, I'm not sure how I missed that. However, as DoomGuard said, this should still be effective. With a bit more refining and a companion deck with access to Narya this could still be broken.

Nov 14, 2022 Seastan 45852

Sure, you can defend one attack for 6 , but their are easier ways to achieve that than Aragorn+Elf-friend+Elessar+Elendilmir. You could run Beregond with Gondorian Shield to defend the big attack and have the ally defend the rest. I'm not saying it isn't broken (Greenwood Defender and Vigilant Dunadan have always been breakable), but it's not Elessar that's breaking them.

Nov 14, 2022 LEGOlas 131

Fair point.

Nov 14, 2022 LEGOlas 131

However, Beregond and Gondorian Shield (or just Dáin Ironfoot) require a hero to exhaust. Elendilmir, Aragorn, Elf-friend, and Elessar let you defend with 7 , without require an additional action needed. Also, Elessar can target the Greenwood Defender after you see the shadow card. Thus, it can let you keep him alive against a bunch of 4 enemies even if one gets a massive boost from a shadow card. Thus, Elessar is not really breaking Greenwood Defender. However, it is making him better.

Nov 14, 2022 kjeld 709

Beregond + Gondorian Shield + Hour of Wrath can do the same thing. Sure, Hour is expensive, but there are ways to reduce cost, and generally this will be later game and you hopefully have been building up resources. And then there's the older Elrohir + Steward of Gondor plan. So this Greenwood Defender combo doesn't seem fundamentally more powerful than options that exist without ALeP, just offers a different way to do the same thing.

Nov 15, 2022 LEGOlas 131

While that is somewhat true, Beregond + Hour of Wrath is not repeatable and Elrohir+Steward of Gondor is neither infinite nor as powerful. In addition, because Greenwood Defender leaves play every round, he heals himself. With that said, I am not saying that I dislike the fan cards. While I did not like their power level at first, I find them to be my preferred cards. Because heroes like Osbera are so much more unique than staples like Éowyn, it makes it hard not to love ALeP. All I am saying is that this is a strong deck.

Nov 15, 2022 doomguard 2190

only relating to defense i like other decks more they need not this much of setup (5-7 cardcombo is huge and only with luck it stands in round 3) a simple Beregond Arwen Undómiel (or (MotK) Arwen Undómiel) Beravor + Inner Strengthseems better to me, yes there is no "infinitive" but that is very rarely needed. in my experience a solid defense of 1 per player a round + a few single playable defenses in the cruicial rounds is all it needs. and that decks can defend well from the start and become better and better per round.

this deck has the benefit it can not only defense (but need a bit more setup to do it really well) it can also quest and is solo playable. biggest flaw in my opinion, needs the steward.

my favourite for solid defense like (old version newer would have Inner Strength)

Nov 15, 2022 NERD 873

@doomguard Your post is completely true. This is more for fun than anything else.

Nov 15, 2022 Seastan 45852

There are a couple stages in a handful of quests where it helps a lot to be able to provide infinite defenses (Lonely Mountain for example) but I've always found it easier to go with Hour of Wrath or Light the Beacons for those situations. For the rest of the time, having a Beregond with Gondorian Shield and a couple Unexpected Courages and Armored Destriers seems to be all you need to handle the defenses for the table, even in 4 player, and requires no continued cost, no card combos (it just keeps getting better as you draw more cards), and much higher shadow survivability since you can run things like Inner Strength and Sterner than Steel.

But The Greenwood/Dunadan archetype definitely more fun when it works!

Nov 17, 2022 BeowolfMN 116

Technically you can't use Messenger of the King with Aragorn because he is neutral, right?

Just making sure I am not missing something that makes him work.

Nov 17, 2022 NERD 873

@BeowolfMN What do you mean? The contract says that the ally can't be neutral, not that you can't have neutral heroes.

Nov 17, 2022 BeowolfMN 116

@NERD I haven’t played with that Aragorn. I was thinking he was an ally! Smacks forehead! Obviously I was missing something. LOL