Rosie's Greatest Hits

Questlogs using this decklist
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Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
2023 Thematic Saga: Shadow of the Past 28 16 0 2.0
Rosie gets the One Ring 0 0 0 2.0
Card draw simulator
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TheChad 14298

TheChad has a newer deck inspired by this one: 2023 Thematic Saga: Shadow of the Past

Clear your throat, take a swig of water, and now belt out some tunes! It is time for Rosie's Greatest Hits!

This is a deck I built for Con of the Rings 2022 and it was my favorite one to play. It is just nuts, especially in multi-player. The basic premise is simple: Put songs on (MotK) Rosie Cotton.

When you have Rosie as a Messenger of the King hero she can boost herself, since her ability says to target 'a hobbit hero'. So, if she has Fast Hitch she can commit to the quest, ready, and then boost herself. That is easy....and exploitable.

What if she has Celebrían's Stone? Now she quests for 4, readies, and boosts by another 4. Questing for 8 .

What about if she is Friend of Friends? Reading the Red Book of Westmarch? Singing a Fireside Song or 2, or 6? You can see where this is going. Boost her as high as possible so that she alone can quest for 20 easily.

But wait...there is more. If you put a 2nd Fast Hitch on her she can ready in the Travel Phase (you can only ready once per phase according to the contract). Now, her crazy is available in Combat. Sam Gamgee should be able to handle defending with Hobbit Cloak, Staff of Lebethron, his ability, and Friend of Friends. Then, ready him with your 3rd Fast Hitch (don't worry, you will draw them all with Pippin, Daeron's Runes, Drinking Song, Peace, and Thought, and Master of the Forge). Now, boost Sam's by 12 or so.

It is a great solo deck because your low threat and high starting give you time to build. Once it is up and running it is pretty unstoppable. In multiplayer it is REALLY good because you can handle questing almost single-handedly, leaving the rest of the table to focus on combat.

Happy Questing!!


Nov 04, 2022 NERD 873

Nice deck! I had tried a similar idea before, but I tried to cram too many ideas into one deck. Here it is if you are curious:

Nov 04, 2022 doomguard 2191

just a tiny little adjustment, would choose 2 Dúnedain Quest and reduce Celebrían's Stone to 1

and perhaps worth o considering: include 1-2 Galadriel to get either the needed Fireside Song or if you get 1 on hand a Song of Travel

you can even improve it if she takes The One Ring and equip Power of Command but perhaps thats overkill ;)

Nov 04, 2022 TheChad 14298

Thank you @NERD! nice build! @doomguard, not sure I agree on the D. Quest. It cost 2 for 1 and you might not draw your single Celebrían's Stone. Whereas having 3 stones you are pretty guaranteed to find it (in fact it is a card I try to get in my opening hand for the quick +2). The trick with the deck is fast growth to survive the early game.

Nov 04, 2022 Zinterax12 1

Hey great deck but a question - MotK says pull an ally from your deck but I don't see Rosie in the actual deck list. Would she be your 51st card then I assume?

Nov 08, 2022 TheChad 14298

@Zinterax12 correct. The Set-up timing is (as far as we can figure out) you put Rosie in your deck, you draw 6 cards, take a mulligan if you want, then find Rosie. So...if you draw Rosie in your Mulligan the deck won't work and you just call that game a loss and draw 6 cards again. OR.....just pull her out before you draw your 6 cards since you would re-start anyways. Honestly, up to you how you want to do it. The LCG police will not bust down your door and take your cards :)

Jan 02, 2023 EloiOrigami 7

Is there a similar idea to this deck using fewer adventure packs? I have very few of these cads actually. I currently have 4 adventure packs.

Jan 03, 2023 EloiOrigami 7

I meant 14 adventure packs, sorry.