The Eagles! The Eagles!

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Roka 1695

Seeing the sudden gleam in the gloom Bilbo looked round. He gave a great cry: he had seen a sight that made his heart leap, dark shapes small yet majestic against the distant glow. “The Eagles! The Eagles!” he shouted. “The Eagles are coming!” ~The Hobbit, Chapter 12 "The Clouds burst"

This is one of my favourite thematic decks I created around the scene mentioned above, where Bilbo Baggins sees the arrival of the eagles at the battle of five armies. I got the idea for the deck when I saw the synergy between Bilbo Baggins and Faunith, who can both deal damage to enemies in the staging area. Bilbo is often considered a weaker hero and I also find it hard to build decks that make good use of him, and I think that has to do with the fact that dealing one damage to an enemy per round is just not enough to keep up with the encounter deck. But add the extra damage from Faunith and Descendant of Thorondor (who can be reused with Breath of Arda or Flight of the Eagles) and you can nuke a lot of enemies in the staging area.

The final hero to round out the team is Alagos, who fits the theme, grants access to the leadership eagle allies and helps generating ressources. Radagast could fit a similar role but needs his Staff to be really effective, so we couldn't use The Burglar's Turn.

Speaking about the contract, I didn't start to build this deck with it in mind, but I realized that I don't really want to run many attachments and didn't need specific ones in an eagle swarm deck (unlike for example Visionary Leadership in a Gondor or Horn of the Mark in a Rohan deck). So there is little downside to using the contract here and it is of course another great thematic card to use with Bilbo.

This deck can work in solo play, but struggles with low engagement cost enemies. It is better suited for multiplayer where you can snipe the big enemies in the staging area while your friends handle the smaller ones, you can trigger the contract reliable every round and some of the attachments should go on your friends heroes anyway cause your eagles can't have restricted attachments.