The Shirefolk at the End

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NERD 873

Simply put, At the End of All Things fits fantastically with hobbits.

In addition to these synergies, the deck is very thematic. Frodo Baggins wields the ring, while his friends walk alongside him. Strider represents Aragorn's helpful presence, Barliman Butterbur can take a hit for the halflings, and Silver Lamp represents Galadriel's gift to Frodo. Sam Gamgee can readies from Inner Strength and Frodo Baggins.

Fireside Song and Unexpected Courage is playable on the first turn, and can both be extremely helpful in the late game. Song of Kings fits in with the other songs while allowing for Merry and Bill the Pony to join in the fun. While this is not a broken deck, I find the satisfaction of delaying with Hobbit-sense and then using Silver Lamp and Small Target to kill an enemy to be better than power.

Have fun,



Oct 28, 2022 kjeld 709

Really cool idea, and lots of awesome synergies!

Are you sure that you are allowed to use Frodo's ability to avoid the damage from A side of the contract? I know this doesn't work with Erkenbrand, as the damage is considered part of the cost of triggering the ability -- "no pay, no play". I see the wording is slightly different with this contract, but it still seems contradictory to the spirit of these abilities.

Oct 28, 2022 NERD 873

Rather oddly, the damage clause is located in the effect portion, not in the cost portion. While it may not be intentional, I believe Frodo Baggins' ability can absorb an effect.

Oct 28, 2022 NERD 873

One other funny thing about this deck is that I would grab The Ring of Power over Inner Strength against most quests.

Oct 28, 2022 Alonewolf87 2449

@NERD Yeah it was intentional precisely so that it combos well with Frodo Baggins

Oct 28, 2022 NERD 873

That's pretty cool. How do you know that? Do you participate in designing the fan cards?

Oct 28, 2022 Alonewolf87 2449

Yeah I am part of the ALeP team

Oct 28, 2022 NERD 873

Annoyingly, I haven't found a Sam and Frodo build that works well. Sam Gamgee needs threat reduction, but Frodo Baggins readies him anway and Frodo Baggins raises threat.

Oct 28, 2022 NERD 873

@Alonewolf87 I remember seeing a massive fan made expansion that included Tom Bombadil and a contract for unique cards. Is that an ALeP expansion or something you know about?

Oct 28, 2022 Alonewolf87 2449

No it's not ALeP, I think it might be the Legacy of Feanor project.