Elves of Lorien Starter - Game Night Edition

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Elves of Lorien Starter deck 3 3 0 1.0
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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Jurd269 26


This Silvan Elves deck succeeds by flashing allies into and out of play to leverage unique and powerful card effects. This is aided by event The Tree People. O Lórien! provides a discount once per turn to get your allies into play more easily. Hero Celeborn provides a temporary bonus to each Silvan who enters the field. Galadriel wants to find Nenya as early as possible to provide a major questing bonus, but until it is found she helps keep threat in check and provides consistent card draw.


The deck can fill multiple roles during the game, with tremendous flexibility provided by the multitude of Silvan allies, providing a variety of effects like healing, searching for allies, readying heroes, and threat reduction, among others. Your heroes are naturally inclined toward questing, so you may rely on other players to keep enemies off of you while you explore. Galadriel keeps your allies upright on the turn they enter play, allowing them to quest and commit to attack or defend in the same turn. Orophin allows you to grab the Silvan you need the most from discard when he enters play.

Key Cards and Combos:

Though not explicitly a low-threat deck, it does have several cards that can help you manage threat, and you may end the game with lower threat than what you started with. Elrond's Counsel slows the game down for the elves, and flashing Galadriel's Handmaiden in and out of play provides a ton of threat value.

Events like A Test of Will and Feigned Voices allow you to forego or cancel threats, adding to the elves' evasive nature. It will be harder to surprise you, though, with the inclusion of Henamarth Riversong.

Defender of the Naith is likely your best defender, and is fairly easy to get into play since any resource type may be utilized.

Being a Ranged hero, Haldir of Lórien can target the enemies that the tankier players are keeping off of you.