A Vilya Secrecy Deck

Questlogs using this decklist
The Uruk-hai - 1 Player - 2022-10-02
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drabblecast 67

The idea being that Secrecy and Strider give you time to get your Vilya engine going and allies. By the time you've got your five out you don't need Strider's bonus questing anymore. This deck's got relatively low attack built in, with allies doing all the heavy lifting. If I need a heavy hitter I stick in Gimli and Tactics and pull all the secrecy out, making it a pretty standard Vilya deck.


Oct 04, 2022 doomguard 2170

it seems a very uneffective way for me to gain secrecy. the only way is, to get The Galadhrim's Greeting (1 copy) or only for 1 turn the Vanish from Sight (2 copys)

if you are unlucky you do not see one of those the whole game.

how to make it better:

include 3 Elrond's Counsel it is an autoinclude with noldor and spirit.

include 3 Galadriel's Handmaiden sometimes you only need 1 thread less and beside that they have good stats for cost of 2.

consider Keen as Lances played with vilya they are not expensive and also usable for other tasks not only reducing thread, if needed.

another point, if you use that deck in the uruk-hai quest, it does not work this way. in that quest you calculate your startingthread before you capture one of the heroes. so (if you had chosen (MotK) Ioreth or (MotK) Galion as captured heroes before) your startingthread is increased for that quest for a minimum of 1.

Oct 04, 2022 LEGOlas 131

You did forget about Gandalf for threat reduction but he is quite expensive. You would be better off just using Elrond with The Grey Wanderer.

Oct 05, 2022 drabblecast 67

good suggestions, especially galadriel's handmaiden. i don't have watcher in the water yet so am missing elrond's council. . Gandalf has usually been pretty easy to line up for Vilya early with stargazer. If you've got enemies coming Beregond generally will stabilize your threat pretty low. Even when it's not living in Secrecy, which is majority of the game usually, it's still a deck hovering in the low twenties with incredibly strong allies lining up for you pretty fast, letting you avoid conflict with engagement checks.