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Discard Pile
NERD 873
I was inspired by Andúril to make this deck, a thematic collection of Middle Earth's heroes who faced down the Black Gate of Mordor. Try to find Gandalf or Andúril in your starting hand as they can be played on the first turn to quickly improve your board. Drinking Song can give you an additional mulligan. All the signals and a Raiment of War are for the lost heir of Elendil as he can be readied by Andúril, Unexpected Courage, and his own ability. The deck raises its threat quickly but that hardly matters for a dire quest.
Sep 28, 2022 |
Sep 28, 2022the baseidea to make it a friendshipdeck and not to care about startingthred for black gate is good. but if Alepcarda re used, wh not to exploit it more and take more badassheroes. means concrete: replace Mablung with Beregond, Boromir or Théoden and for Théoden Thengel. then you would benefit more from the discardabilities of the rohan allies and have a better fighter (and/or quester taking Théoden) than Mablung the ability o mablung seems not so importan your tactic-cards cost only 1-2. then, the Grey Companion are not effective here. you have only 2 attachements with title. even i they are in play and you will not better use them (what makes no sense because the 1. is Steward of Gondor and the 2. Rune-master both get res) i recommend taking 1 Treebeard and 1 Thalion or a Steward of Orthanc doing so i would replace Rune-master with 1 of the mastercards for black gate, either Doom Hangs Still or Grim Resolve each of them gives you another round in my experience. then, i miss 1 Golden Shield imo autoinclude with theoden or eowyn (taking Théoden it gives +3) would defnetly include 2 Armored Destrier would replace 2 signs for them. i you keep Théoden then i would include 1 Guthlaf you can play him for 1 cost. |
Sep 28, 2022btw. you cannot give aragorn anduril and a raiment, if you want, you need a Golden Belt |
Sep 29, 2022
Thanks for the comments, I totally missed that Andúril was restricted. In that case remove a copy of Raiment of War. Grey Companion is not in the deck due to titles but because it can use up Mablung's resources while remaining thematic. I am now realizing that Legolas would be a good inclusion. Thengel and Prince Imrahil were an option I considered. However, I Thengel is unthematic and Prince Imrahil is useless without him. Beregond is a good idea as it would allow Mablung to be used. However, Denethor is already a defender. I did consider Guthlaf, but I think he dies too easily. Deeping Defenders and Defender of Rammas do his job better. Golden Shield is interesting but I would rather use Théoden for questing or attack, especially with Herugrim. Armored Destrier is definitely good; I just liked signals as I never used them and Aragorn's readying seemed like a good use. I think I should probably find a spot for Narya as well. Doom Hangs Still is fantastic, Ever Onward may be better. Also, Need Drives Them is better than Grim Resolve for the black gate. Boromir would be unthematic. If it fit with the theme, I would replace Pippin with Gríma for more resources and Need Brooks No Delay to find Steward of Gondor or Herugrim. I am also thinking that Shadowfax could be quite good. |
Sep 29, 2022you have an interesting imgination of "theme" (why is Denethor in theme and Boromir not? (i you refer to the books, both where dead at the battle at black gate)) theoden is also dead at black gate, cannot see your aspekts of theme in this case. @Ever Onward ofc, i mostly play multiplayer, solo it is better than my proposals. the point for Grey Companion and mablung i do not understand at all. you can use his res on every neutral card, and i you do not like Treebeard or Steward of Orthanc (cannot see the untheme? Treebeard at least lies at the time of black gate ;) ) there are other imo better options that the costly companion (Narya , Gandalf's Staff, Shadowfax ) |
Sep 29, 2022I am getting my timeline very backwards. Thank you for your help. I guess I was thinking Boromir died a while ago while all the characters I included were active in the end of Sauron's defeat. |
Sep 29, 2022Plus, I think you can guess why Steward of Orthanc would be unthematic. |
Sep 29, 2022i did once a project called "campaign original" (original in german other title ;) ) where we researched what characters are at live at what point in the campaign. for black gate we got that list: Gandalf, Gimli, Legolas, Pippin all Rohancharakters, except: Theoden, Eowyn, Grima, Hama, Erkenbrand, Dunhere, Eomund (alive but not at black gate) all Gondorcharakters, except: Denethor, Faramir, Boromir, Hirgon Elrohir, Elladan eagles all Dunedaincharakters (max. 30 ;) ) |
Sep 29, 2022faramir and eowyn are alive but in minas tirith in the houses of healing and thefore not availaible at the black gate. |
I had no idea the title could go behind the sphere banners.