Aragorn is Taking the Initiative!

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Splice 516

This deck is meant to be played multiplayer and really just wanted to use Taking Initiative in a way that should never miss. There is a 3/50 chance it misses due to the 0 cost cards but overall Aragon can do it all! Questing, attacking defending, and pulling enemies from all over the place!

Not tested yet but will give it a couple goes and see how it plays!


Sep 22, 2022 Alonewolf87 2449

Out of curiosity, how do you plan to pay for cards like Celebrían's Stone, Estel or Ring of Barahir? The Contract allows to an off-sphere card, but only non-unique ones. Also what's your starting attachment of choice? I don't think it's Strider since you have 3 copies.

Sep 22, 2022 Splice 516

@Alonewolf87 Andúril give the leadership Icon which then allows playing of Celebrían's Stone to gain the spirit icon. Estel is the 1 cost attachment I start with from the The Grey Wanderer. This allows you to start looking at 4 cards a turn to try to find Andúril/Resourceful early on. Once i playtest some more ill do a more thorough writeup!

Sep 22, 2022 Splice 516

Also forgot to mention that Estel gives the 4th required trait to be able to equip Andúril

Sep 22, 2022 Splice 516

Also added Elven light to go with Estel as discard fodder and helps with the draw problem.

Sep 22, 2022 Alonewolf87 2449

I wonder if this approach would be better served by using Aragorn with Elessar fetched by his own effect and Estel by the Contract.

Sep 22, 2022 Splice 516

@Alonewolf87definitely worth trying! The biggest reason I went with Aragorn is for his effect to pull over enemies and kill everything for the table. Also since I don't have allies some of the titles in the most recent ALeP pack didn't seem as strong.

Sep 22, 2022 doomguard 2191

i think, tactic Aragorn is not the best choice. i would Thorongil him in later and start with lore or ld. (might be lore, because, he will likely get leadership early with Andúril

starting with lore would allow with some carddrawoptions Daeron's Runes Deep Knowledge, so get these quickstarter (A Lesson in Caution and Taking Initiative ) more early and makes it overall faster, for me that is better than have Aragorn from the start.

starting with leadership would allow you to play multiple quickstarter 1. round, what seem to me is also big feat.

Sep 22, 2022 Splice 516

@Alonewolf87thinking about it some more I really like the idea of suggesting with the setup you recommended. Then could combine it with Thorongil like you said @doomguard to bring in the tractive ability. This way you can use Estel twice a round and that fits well with elven light

Sep 22, 2022 doomguard 2191

i do not understand, why does tactic-aragorn let you use Estel twice and loragorn or ld-aragorn not?

Sep 22, 2022 Splice 516

@doomguard i meant starting with Aragorn and Elessar as the setup which his ability lets you ready the title attachment so Estel can be used twice. Then you can dig for Thorongil to pull out tactics Aragorn.

Sep 22, 2022 doomguard 2191

i understand, so, it is a point for not-tactic-aragorn and neutral aragorn can choose with his default-title, what sphere (lore or ld) he will start with. seems Aragorn is the best and most lexible.

Sep 22, 2022 Splice 516

Exactly! The biggest thing for me was that most of the title attachments that come in the pack effect allies but I forgot we could use it with Estel for even more card filtering.

Sep 23, 2022 doomguard 2191

and, if you want, you can start with Ring of Barahir as default-contract-attachement and have ld and lore from the start. i think this would be the best option to make it fast. i think, that way, its not uncommon to have Andúril Strider and Thorongil within 3 rounds.