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In Play
Discard Pile
SchadenfreudeNE 289
This is a deck I threw together to make use of the new Aragorn/Title mechanics, and also just use some other ALeP cards. The result: a pretty good, but not game-breaking, deck.
The heroes are pretty self-explanatory. I originally had Thurindir slotted in for Beravor, but I've been playing side-quests-focused decks so much recently that I wanted a Lore Dunedain. Thurindir obviously lowers the starting threat a couple of points, which could be good. Elessar is the starting title, which gives Aragorn four Traits out of the gate.
I doubled-up on a lot of unique attachments to make use of A Fair Exchange. When I first saw this card I thought it was going to be very powerful. When I've played with it, it has been just okay (at least in this deck). I like the concept of making use for duplicate-dead unique cards. As a practical matter, by the time I (1) pay for and play the first unique card copy, (2) draw into a second copy of that card, and (3) draw into A Fair Exchange, my board is already pretty set up. I could put MORE copies of uniques into the decks to speed up getting to step (2), but I'm not sure that is going to make the deck better. I would be interested to see some decks that focus on making this card work.
I probably over-stuffed the number of attachments in the deck, but I wanted to include most of the new Title cards and some of Aragorn's toys. In a normal build CelebrĂan's Stone and Ring of Barahir would probably be x1. I could probably also cut either To the Sea, to the Sea! or Heir of Valandil since they are both filling the same role. A prior version had Roheryn, but I didn't feel he was doing much, so he got the axe along with Vigilante DĂșnadante.
What I really appreciate about the new Titles is how they open the doors to ally readying. Outside of Narya and a few other cards, there are not a ton of readying options for allies in the game. And Aragorn's ability to ready a Title attachment (or x2 with Elendilmir), really opens up major action advantage for your allies. The Renewer plus Faramir seems like it would be a pretty good combo...
Great job to the ALeP team on another great release!