Mono-Lore Trap Toolkit

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
Mono-Lore Trap Toolkit 3 1 8 1.0
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None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

frozen 264

Here is an updated version of my mono-lore trap support deck. It is designed for multiplayer to provide a lot of different options depending on the scenario. Unfortunately for me, the previous iteration relied on a faulty interpretation of Scroll of Isildur to discard and play expensive events for cheap.

As before, the deck's primary purpose is traps, of course, using Damrod as always to play them cheap and get some cards drawn. Getting Master of the Forge out early is also key, as he can help find more traps and also grab several of our hero-readying attachments.

This new version of the decks thins out some expensive cards, and leans into the support aspect with the addition of Gléowine to allow your friends to draw more cards, Woodmen's Clearing to lower their threat, and Lembas to give them healing and readying. The addition of Erebor Hammersmith lets us recur a couple of our traps or these new attachments.

Although you could pretty easily get this deck down to secrecy with someone like Pippin or Messenger of the King, I think Aragorn fits this deck pretty well. Protector of Lórien along with the card draw and readying attachments we have allows him to quest for 5 and defend with 5 and sentinel. His ability also lets us play support by saving any threat reduction for other players, we don't need it.

The deck can be slightly retooled for different scenarios. For combat heavy scenarios with not a lot of locations, the sideboard can be swapped in to replace Ghân-buri-Ghân or Strider's Path.