Road to Rings: Bard Lee Mono Spirit

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BardLee4 396

As discussed on the Cardboard of the Rings Presents feed, my mono-spirit Caldara deck that I will be taking to Con of the Rings 2022.

To get a true sense of how to play it, check out this previous version with a write up and video:

Listen to the corresponding eps at (general con discussion) and (specific deck talk).


Sep 09, 2022 Xikitins 81

Nice deck! Why not Lothriel to put Prince for free in play?

Sep 09, 2022 BardLee4 396

Personally, I do not like Lothíriel compared to Dain or Arwen. You get a nice 4 cost burst but Arwen supports the mill style deck much better and Dain provides a super defender so you don't end up chumping allies every round. And since I play mostly solo, I need the defender more. But I know she's well like by some people and I still think is a solid choice. The Arwen-Dain pairing is the fastest combo to get Caldara out of play, see the decklist embedded where I post a vid and discard her turn one.

Feb 15, 2024 Tealc 8

@BardLee4Any recommendations on cuts if I don't want to run the contract? Do you think Sword-thain has a place then? I'm looking to get into this archetype and have really appreciated your video and write-ups. I only play 4 player and was looking for a Dáin Ironfoot deck, can't wait to experiment with Caldara.

Feb 15, 2024 doomguard 2191

without contract you might be interested in my version (for me Thorongil for Dáin Ironfoot is autoinclude) :

Feb 15, 2024 Tealc 8

@doomguard This is cool, the small dwarf package with Thorongil is neat. I imagined Sword-thain being integral enough to merit 3 copies since it would make Caldara get a 4th ally. Is that not a major part of your game plan or is there some way to get it more reliably that I'm missing?

Feb 15, 2024 doomguard 2191

in my deck Sword-thain is just a bonus or if you miss Prince Imrahil i play caldara with errate so can only use her once but i think she is worth 3 allies, 4 would be nice but not needed. so its more a gimmik than major part. as u see i do not have the Pelargir Shipwright so 3 heroes are completely enough in my settings. in my games it was enough having about 5 dwarfes out with Thorongil and perhaps 1-2 Rhovanion Outrider or Northern Tracker in multi or locationheavy szenarios. (and the Ered Luin Miner synergies perfectly with Dáin Ironfoot ability)

Feb 15, 2024 BardLee4 396

@tealc I'd probably drop some of the allies and add in Sword Thain, Armor of Erebor, and Unexpected Courage. Maybe Map of Earnil and reduce the amount of recursion events. Silver Circlet could be nice to have too.

Considering I chose some allies due to the Arkenstone, I'd probably start cutting down the unique allies especially if someone else wants them or the hero versions. Bilbo, Lindir, Sam could all go. Maybe Stand and Fight too since you are going to reduce the allies overall total. When I adjust the deck, I usually cut Ered Luin Miner or Hidden Cache as the first ones when I need Power of Orthanc.

Maybe try +2 Armor, +2 UC, +2 or 3 Sword Thain, and some combo of -1 Bilbo, -1 Lindir, -2 Ered Luin, -2 Cache, -1 Sam, -2 SaF. I haven't played without the contract in a while and definitely since Knight of Belfalas came out so I'd just try some tinkering and adjust in and out what you think you need. The bones of the deck are still there so it should still be fine.

Feb 15, 2024 Tealc 8

@BardLee4``@doomguardthank you both for the insights. I'll be attending the con this year for the first time and looking forward to bringing this.

Feb 15, 2024 doomguard 2191

if not using Thorongil on dain i think the deck function nearly as good with Beregond (arwen and the other discardthings should be enough to fuel Caldara)

just as option and replacement-hero going to an event.