A Love history in the North - Angmar Campaign deck

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The First Melkors Balrog 706

This is an Easy and Fun to play deck to start the Angmar Campaign.

This deck use cards from the Core Set, Elves of Lorien and the Angmar cycle.

The strat is centered in Aragorn and try to stand each roud before you send it to the quest.

The general idea is try to play attachments, allyes and herself hability, to stand all the time.


  • Try to play the Nenya early in the game (for that you have the 3 copies on this deck).
  • If you get Nenya, always trigger her capability to give the +4 to Aragorn
  • Try to play the first Unexpected Courage on Galadriel (so you can use her hability and get the +1 card draw each round). The second is for Aragorn.
  • Always try to trigger the capability on Aragorn if you don't have the cards to stand without paying his cost. Her stat is so good to not use it.
  • Use Tale of TinĂºviel and exhaust Galadriel to stand and give to Aragorn a +4 / / (Use it when you are sending to Aragorn to the quest).

I hope you enjoy :)