Arwen and Aragorn, campaign

Questlogs using this decklist
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

OKTarg 208

I play true solo at home as often as any other format. I don't have the flame of the west yet, nor any of the current cycle's APs. That didn't stop me, however, from trying out the noldor archetype.

I wanted to celebrate the release and my impending purchase of Flame by starting a campaign, while at the same time trying some of the new cards that I hadn't yet used. I've seen Elven Light and Arwen as obviously powerful cards, but what stood out to me as something fun was Tale of Tinuviel. That card, as well as the sphere flexibility for future quests, cemented Aragorn as the choice beside Arwen. Glorfindel may actually even be a better target than Arwen for the cost of it, especially with the Light of Valinor for questing. With quite a few one-ofs, it played pretty smoothly and consistently, yet differently through each quest in Black Riders.

Steed of Imladris and Lords of the Eldar surprised me with their strength, while Captain of Gondor and perhaps a few others will be on the chopping block for some Trollshaw Scouts. The Sea-Watchers were MVP against Nazgul for sure, and the Sailors pulled their weight all day. Controlling the discard pile adds a fun layer of in-game tactics often absent from solo.

I'd like to slot three Elwing's Flight for extra readying, but I'm not sure what to take out. It's overkill, in any case, so it would be more for the novelty than for the power. Any ideas or feedback is very welcome!

I made a Gandalf/Theodred/Galdor deck to partner if I went two-handed, but I haven't tried that yet!


Sep 28, 2016 dalestephenson 1839

Who do you plan to sub for Aragorn in the Treason of Saruman and Flame of the West quests?

Sep 28, 2016 OKTarg 208

Not sure. It's possible I do a full rebuild with something like lore Glorfindel and a low-threat leadership hero like Sam or Theodred and make an Aragorn tower. It's also possible that I swap in beregond and make the tactics allies more attack focused.