Questlogs using this decklist | |
None. |
Fellowships using this decklist | |
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Derived from |
None. Self-made deck here. |
Inspiration for | ||||
Single Core Series: The Fate of the WIlderland | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Card draw simulator |
0% –
0% –
Gameplay simulator | ||
In Play
Discard Pile
TheChad 14310
This is the deck I used to defeat The Fate of the Wilderland in my Single Core Series.
The video can be found here:
This is a direct damage deck that takes advantage of the timing of Bilbo Baggins and Argalad. Bilbo can target an enemy in the staging area for a boost, Argalad can then target the same enemy and both could do a damage.
Other direct damage cards can take the enemy down and you repeat with the next one. This quest is perfect for a direct damage deck, especially stage two.
Happy Questing
Jul 25, 2022 |
Jul 25, 2022frodo= bilbo ;) |
Jul 25, 2022Do Bilbo Baggins and Argalad's abilities really work together like you said? I understand how you use Bilbo first to gain the spirit boost, then use Argalad to lower that same enemy's threat. But Bilbo's text reads "until the end of the phase he gains +X spirit", and Argalad's is "until the end of the phase that enemy gains -X threat" Aren't those conflicting then? When you resolve the quest, don't you have to take into effect the ;owed threat when deciding how much spirit Bilbo has (because it's a lasting effect??? ) Please correct me if I'm wrong! |
Jul 25, 2022
Jul 25, 2022There are two classes of lasting effects in the game: those created by player cards and those created by encounter cards. Each class is handled differently as follows: A lasting effect created by a player card ability must be calculated at the time that the ability is triggered, and that effect is not recalculated if the game state changes. A lasting effect created by an encounter card ability, is recalculated if the game state changes. |
Jul 26, 2022
Jul 26, 2022On another note, I used a slightly modified copy of this deck and was able to beat Fate of the Wilderland with it (and now I know I wasn't cheating with Bilbo Baggins and Argalad ;) and it was such an epic game! |
Jul 26, 2022
Jul 26, 2022Is Good Meal in here just to protect against Swarm of Bats? So you can still play the 1-cost tactics events when they pinch your resources? |
Jul 27, 2022
would add at least 1 Fast Hitch for frodo, then he can be used for Hail of Stones
no Gondorian Spearman and/or Spear of the Citadel?