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A Favor House Gondorian |
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In Play
Discard Pile
AtaruSlash 4612
This is a deck specially designed to be played alongside a 2 hero deck (specifically the one in the linked fellowship, check it out). One huge issue with 2 hero decks is the early game threat of enemies to their already feeble board-state. As well, questing power tends to be a bit lower when such a deck is short a character on the starting line. To that end, the main foci of this deck are questing, and defending.
I'll point out that this deck starts at a measly 23 threat, and this serves a couple of purposes. First, it helps keep this deck closer in sync to a 2 hero deck. Part of the strategy of the 2 hero deck is to keep your profile low and build a bit before answering some of the more threatening enemies. At 23 starting threat, you'll be right in that zone where enemies will always look to you first, but not so hard that you'll get swamped while the partner deck is setting up. Second, this deck contains one of my favorite panic buttons for maintaining board state; Frodo Baggins plus Song of Mocking, and that low threat lets you use Frodo's ability with reckless abandon to keep your board intact. Other than that, this deck is pretty meat and potatoes. Quest, defend, soak damage, reduce threat, repeat.
Card choices/tips:
T-wyn- Good lord what a card. effectively 6 starting threat, quest for 4 out of the gate, and for most of the game. Then, when you really need to blow up some enemies, she's got your back.
Pro tip: if you know you're going to pop her ability that turn, either make sure she's got Snowmane on or just don't quest with her. Either way, you want to attack with her before you trigger her ability. Then, in the action window after attackers are declared and before quest resolution, then hit the big red button. She will ready, be at 10 attack, and be ready to crush the next chump in line.
Snowmane/Golden Shield- these are meant for T-wyn, obviously. Snowmane helps enable the maximum attack trick mentioned above, and Gondorian Shield gives her the option to defend for 5 (or 6 with Sentinel if she's got the favour of Arwen Undómiel
Silver Lamp- A great card with new Beregond. It doesn't cancel cards, but with Sterner than Steel and Tides of Fate in the deck, seeing the cards can be just as useful.