Questlogs using this decklist | |
None. |
Fellowships using this decklist | |
None. |
Derived from |
None. Self-made deck here. |
Inspiration for | ||||
Family Valour (Gondor) | 1 | 1 | 0 | 3.0 |
Il Cavallo Bianco e il Cigno | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Rohan+Gondor | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Card draw simulator |
0% –
0% –
Gameplay simulator | ||
In Play
Discard Pile
harrken 126
I love Lothíriel, she is just so much fun. Her ability to drop an ally into play and have it bounce out for no cost open up so many allies that were simply too expensive for either their stats or effects (looking at you Damrod). So, I wanted to build a deck that was really centered around her ability and getting additional benefits from it. In my opinion the heroes simply make sense. Prince Imrahilquests for a respectable 2 and readies for combat, as well as serving as the primary defender thanks to both Shining Shieldand Gondorian Shield, likely defending for 4 and up to 6. Éomerprimarily serves as an attacker. Attacking easily for 5 without any additional boosts, since allies will be leaving play every round. Even more importantly, he allows Lothiriel to use Horn of the Mark, an absolutely crucial card that keeps the deck moving and stops Lothiriel's ability from depleting your hand. Hard to stress just how important that is for the deck. This means this deck is the closest I've seen to the elusive Gondor/Rohan deck!
In earlier drafts of this deck, I likely overdid with allies that enter play and have an effect when they do so. This was fun, but frankly the deck simply could not build up a reasonable board state. So, the allies have some that help boost your board state like Angbor the Fearless and the Westfold Outrider and some that only exist to be put into play with their ability. In some quests Faramir completely shines! He was so good in River Running that I upped to 3 copies that were constantly dropping in and out.
The rest of the deck is pretty basic, Firefoot because its so fun, and Visionary Leadership because I realized almost all of the allies were Gondor anyway. The events are just the core set classics that still do their job as well as anything else. Some potential adds would be Gúthwinë to allow recycling of the Escort from Edorasand some of the other Rohan allies and Damrod if threat is an issue and playing in high player counts. Interested to see how other people have used this lineup since as I said, it sells itself.
Jul 10, 2022 |
Jul 11, 2022Just tested this deck and it was AWESOME! SUper fun |
Jul 11, 2022Looks like a great deck. I played a similar deck with Lothiriel Eomer and Denethor (called Awkward Honeymoon) that was great fun. More recently I've been giving her Elf Friend and playing a bunch of Silvans and Noldor with enters play effects (called Friends in the Forest). That is good too. She is such fun to build a deck around. |
Jul 11, 2022I really like this deck. It is super fun to play, being able to successfully quest, attack, and defend. |
Jul 12, 2022
What I like about Lothíriel is that she can work in two archetypes: Gondor or Rohan (assuming Eomer is in play) as well as dropping any allies with the Noble trait. She is actually a great Rohan hero, possibly better than Éowyn, and has great synergy with Éomund or hero Thengel, or really any other Rohan effects that target allies leaving play. Prince Imrahil is actually a great "Rohan" hero as well, since he can ready very reliably.
That said, I like how your deck has gone a little more on the Gondor side, with allies like Soldier of Gondor and Knight of Belfalas bouncing in and triggering effects. Westfold Lancer is also great, since he leaves play anyway with Lothíriel. The only thing I would caution against is having to many dead unique cards in your hand, especially with 3 unique attachments. Gúthwinë would be a great add, and boosting Éomer's attack stats even more would get better use out of Firefoot. Rohan Warhorse would be a good add too. Cut 1 Gondorian Shield, 1 or 2 Visionary Leadership, 1 Firefoot, and 1 Angbor the Fearless, and replace them with Gúthwinë, Rohan Warhorse, and maybe even Armored Destrier for Prince Imrahil. If you want to get really crazy, throw in a thorongil for some madness (I'm thinking Prince Imrahil, but Éomer could be fun too!!!).
Also on a side note, I love using Faramir against The River running too!!! great combo ;)