THEMATIXX - Dwarfs popping out of every hole in the earth

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Skeffington 244


So this is a neat little dwarf deck with a lot of combos in it. It uses the Leadership/Spirit spheres, in contrast you will see a lot of Leadership/Lore decks.

This Deck suffers a tiny bit of card draw because of that, but in combination with its fellowship deck and Legacy of Durin from your helpful friend it can live out 100% of its potential. Without that still some card draw comes from King Under the Mountain, which makes the deck alone still competetive and very fun to play.

Starting Hand 1 - you want to get 5+ dwarfs asap:

Either Kili or Fili

2 or more Dwarfs

Starting Hand 2 Gandalph



2 or more dwarfs


Sneak Attack + Kili/Fili (cheap)

Sneak Attack + Gandalf (cheap)

Sneak Attack + Longbeard Orc Slayer (1 dmg)

Sneak Attack + Nori(get your thread down)

Bofur + Nori ( as long as you quest successful, freezes your thread, so you can easily give Gandalf a go for a few rounds)

Gandalf+ A Very Good Tale ( use it at the end of round, Gandalf readies before discard)

To me! O my kinsfolk! + Longbeard Orc Slayer (same as sneak attack but from discard)

We Are Not Idle + Lure of Moria (Once you have enough dwarfs to exhaust and do not need Lure of Moria for something else)


Try to keep Dain ready, but use him as emergency defender. Play down all the combos above and enjoy :) You might need a bigger playmat though...


Sep 22, 2016 dalestephenson 1878

Kili/Fili don't work with Sneak Attack because of their wording. Their effect also doesn't work with To me! O my kinsfolk! or A Very Good Tale for the same reason.

Without exhausting heroes for We Are Not Idle I don't think you can get to five dwarves on turn one. All the leadership dwarves cost 3+, and only Bofur costs one (if you can manage to quest unsuccessfully or break even on questing). However, the new card Dwarven Sellsword provides a one-cost leadership dwarf option. You have to keep paying for him each turn, but with Thorin's extra resource keeping him paid until you have enough other dwarves shouldn't be a problem. That way you can get to five on turn one with two sellsword, a sellsword and Bofur, or a sellsword, We are Not Idle, and Blue Mountain Trader.

Another new card that would be great in this deck is Armored Destrier. With that, Dain can both defend and ready, so his attack boost can still be provided.

Sep 22, 2016 Skeffington 244

I am not convinced that Kili or Fili do not work with Sneak Attack, after all you play them from your hand... it is clear it does not work for We Are Not Idle and To me! O my kinsfolk!. I will definetely include the Dwarven Sellsword once released and thought about Armored Destrier but got into a thematic conflict, dwarfs should not ride Horses :P Thanks for your comment :)

Sep 22, 2016 dalestephenson 1878

Dwarven Sellsword has been released (Drowned Ruins), though it may certainly not be available yet in some countries.

I agree Armored Destrier is a thematic problem for dwarves, which is a shame since it benefits Dain more than any other hero in existence. If only it was an armored pony!

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but "put into play" from your hand has been ruled as not the same as playing from your hand. See 1.16 in the most current FAQ. Of course, if you want to personally believe this is a stupid ruling, like not being able to use Stand and Fight with Gandalf, and ignore it, that's fine.

Sep 22, 2016 Skeffington 244

Hmh that is bad news indeed. If I get this right this would also apply to my Bofur and Nori Combo, and make the deck obsolete. I think I will keep playing it like before at least for Bofur and not for Sneak Attack, to stay competetive in the thematic world.

I am already not playing auto includes like Steward of Gondor or Armored Destrier for thematic reasons, which should make up for this rule-bending. The deck sure is powerful like it is, but it never felt overpowered to me, making the FAQ necessary...

Thanks for the discussion :)