Songs of Secrecy, Peril, and Victory (From the Shire to the

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LEGOlas 131

This is a 100-card, secrecy, song, Silvan, Hobbit, The Last Alliance, victory display deck. It also has a subtheme of side quests. I considered adding Legacy Blade but could not find space.


There is a surprising amount of synergy in a deck this stupid.

If anyone actually cares about the efficiency of this deck Timely Aid should be replaced with Wealth of Adventure and Heed the Dream.

Thanks for viewing this monstrosity. Please give it a heart just to show that dumb ideas can be beautiful.


Jun 23, 2022 doomguard 2191

Ho! Tom Bombadil! has a victorypoint, so, no discount for Keen as Lances

else, i have nothing good to say to the deck, so, tell me if you want my bad opinion ;)

Jun 23, 2022 LEGOlas 131

I would love some criticism (probably more like insults for a deck this bad (: )

Unless, I am missing something, Tom Bombadillo! has no victory point. You link Ho! Tom Bombadil! instead.

Jun 23, 2022 doomguard 2191

the card you linked in your description (3. point) has a victory point, and to that card i refer ;)

o.k. then my opinion to the deck:

playing with signifikantly more cards than 50 is only worth it, if you have extraordinare carddraw (or discarding/mining) and can do something with that cards or play A Perilous Voyage both does not happen in this case.

why is it bad general?:

  • you have keycards (in your case Love of Tales and some other) and they are less likely to get with so many cards

  • perhaps you think u have good carddraw because of Daeron's Runes and Drinking Song, in 50 cards that would be o.k. but in 100 that are 6 % perhaps you never see them in a game. no carddraw from heroes, and the 1 Gather Information is lost within 100 cards

what i critisise in this special deck:

  • why the contract? you have 20 allies that are 20 %, its not even save you have an ally every round. about events, there are 3 (The Shirefolk) that makes 23 cards for what the contract is worth it
  • secrecy, you do not start in secrecy and the only way to get there are 1 o 9 events from what 3 of them are (very) expensive (only reachable in round 2). so, with 100 cards its not very likely to get enough thread reduction
  • to spam more events every round, Resourceful is needed and secrecy is not easy to achieve and then gain the Resourceful... much luck needed

so, overall, what is your goal with the deck? make it more specific anf then concentrate it to that goal. you cannot achieve all o the goals.

so if i interpret it correctly:

  • you want exploit the contract
  • you want benefit from secrecy
  • you want to spam cheeky lore-events
  • you want a victory-pile deck
  • you want profit from hobbitsheanians
  • you want play a 100 card-deck

these are wishes for 2-3 decks ;)

take 2 (perhaps 3) of the wishes and optimize them OR play A Perilous Voyage then with the contract you can a much better pilot to et the cards you need.

i can give advice for a reduced wishes-goals, but you have to choose what is at higher prority. (i would go full hobbit-secrecy spam events goal, but others are also possible)

Jun 23, 2022 LEGOlas 131

I am fully aware that this deck has way too many goals (That's the whole point). Just so you know, this is my older, purely for fun account. If you want to see slightly better decks, see my other account: "NERD"

Thank you for all the feedback. Originally the deck was 60 cards, without secrecy or The Last Alliance, but instead I decided to have some fun, since the deck was useless anyway.

Jun 23, 2022 doomguard 2191

if you want to play 100 the A Perilous Voyage give more decisions and benefits than the The Last Alliance with only 20 allies.

and stay at 100 start with secrecy would be better, so take Folco Boffin instead of Rossiel OR (i think you want the Fatty Bolger --Rossiel synergy), take a cheap motk-hero as 3.

Jun 24, 2022 AlasForCeleborn 710

Actually, this deck does start in secrecy thanks to Fatty Bolger: ringsdb doesn't appear to take the "Setup: Reduce your threat by 2" into account. The combo with Frodo Baggins and Rossiel should, if all goes well, keep you in secrecy for the rest of the game with the help of The Shirefolk.

Personally, I'd cut Timely Aid in exchange for the third copies of Leave No Trace, None Return, and Tom Bombadillo! In addition, just because I like taking the encounter deck apart, I'd probably try to find room for Weep No More!, though I understand leaving it out.

Jun 24, 2022 LEGOlas 131

@doomguard While its still not actually helpful, the The Last Alliance does help with more than you are giving it credit for. It allows O Lórien! to lower the cost of all hobbit allies, primarily Gaffer Gamgee. This allows for nearly infinite feints. The contract also lets Red Book of Westmarch give extra to all. It even allows Rosie Cotton and Hobbit Cloak to boost Rossiel's . While its very unlikely, Rossiel can get up to 10 .

@AlasForCeleborn You are correct about secrecy. Woodmen's Clearing and Needful to Know will further reduce threat.

Jun 24, 2022 doomguard 2191

o.k. i oversaw that, but for my taste only 1 card more he needs (or 2 if you count gaffer to it) in his 100,

i just see no sense in a deck that never in a game can accomplish all its roles. and my fun would be to make 1-2 roles better than 5 a little bit. but if anybody has fun with it, who i am to make it worse ;)