Sam and Galadriel

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Sam and Galadriel 3 2 0 1.0
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Seastan 45852

A two hero deck that can pull its weight in solo or multiplayer.

Sam and Galadriel lets you start the game well into Secrecy. The ideal card to start with is of course Resourceful (which goes on Galadriel first then Sam), but Timely Aid is good too, or Mirror of Galadriel because it will help you look for those two cards.

I like to grab Silver Harp early on so that your Mirrors become discard-free. You can keep pulling A Very Good Tale and Timely Aid out of your deck and quickly gather a lot of powerful allies. If you haven't used Glorfindel in a Very Good Tale deck yet, you're in for a treat.

That's about it. You've got questing, cancellation, location control, combat, and lots of fun choices to make.


Sep 19, 2016 Lecitadin 205

Seems like a super fund eck to play!

Jul 01, 2018 SamthemanGamgee 479

Love the theme! Looks like a fun deck

Jul 22, 2018 SamthemanGamgee 479

How do you quest successfully the first couple of turns with only a guaranteed three willpower?

Jul 22, 2018 Seastan 45852

@SamthemanGamgee Timely Aid, Celduin Traveler, Rivendell Scout, and Bofur can all be played turn 1 to help with questing.

If failed questing is causing you to lose, there's also Strider and Nenya in the sideboard.

Jul 22, 2018 SamthemanGamgee 479

Ok, that clears it up, thank you

Mar 13, 2021 Aurion 898

This deck is very well put together. I'd never have thought about using Galadriel in a 2 hero deck, but her passive ability to allow allies to commit to the quest without exhausting is so strong! I also hardly ever use her without Nenya either, so it's refreshing to play her solely for her action, which is amazing here for keeping you in secrecy. With Gandalf and Elrond's Counsel, you can easily reduce your threat below 10 and keep it there using her action and then you are nearly always optionally engaging enemies to boost Sam.

My only criticism is that you don't have many strong defending options, so when you do need to start clearing some high enemies enemies out of the staging area, you are pretty much forced to chump block unless you have got Treebeard or Gandalf out, particularly in the few scenarios where Arwen Undómiel is not available to boost someone's (though they are few - in these I swapped her for Strider to put on Sam and it worked very well). I would probably swap out 1 copy of Glorfindel for Jubayr; just because he's a better defender and provides some much needed shadow cancellation. I'd like to try and include Hobbit Cloak and Staff of Lebethron to make more use of Sam but I'm not sure what I would replace - possibly Gimli, Erestor and a couple of Rangers as I have generally found that they are surplus to requirement, but then Timely Aid and A Very Good Tale are more likely to whiff, so probably best not to mess too much with the structure of the deck too much.

My biggest suggestion is to swap out a couple of copies of Silver Harp in favour of Will of the West to recycle the discard pile as I find you quickly burn through cards with A Very Good Tale, Mirror of Galadriel, Glorfindel and Erestor, so if you make no other changes, I would recommend this at the very least.

I haven't played with this deck in multiplayer yet, but it does have a lot of popular uniques so may not play too well with others.

I would rate this deck 7/10 in terms of power. In the right scenario, it's immensely powerful but like all 2 hero secrecy decks, it is not going to beat everything.

Mar 13, 2021 Aurion 898

Here is my attempt to implement the above suggestions: