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Card draw simulator
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Beorn 14320

For the full article, see the Hall of Beorn blog.

Be our guest Be our guest Put our service to the test Tie your napkin round your neck, cherie And we provide the rest Soupe du jour, hot hors d'oeuvres Why, we only live to serve Try the grey stuff, it's delicious Don't believe me, ask the dishes

They can sing They can dance After all, miss, this is France And a dinner here is never second best Go on, unfold your menu Take a glance and then You'll be our guest Oui, our guest Be our guest

Beef ragout, cheese souffle Pie and pudding en flambe We'll prepare and serve with flair A culinary cabaret You're alone And you're scared But the banquet's all prepared No one's gloomy or complaining While the flatware's entertaining

We tell jokes I do tricks With my fellow candlesticks And it's all in perfect taste, that you can bet Come on and lift your glass You've won your own free pass To be our guest If you're stressed It's fine dining we suggest Be our guest Be our guest Be our guest


Jun 14, 2022 kjeld 709

Mining shenanigans galore - love it! I'd just add that finding room for a couple Erebor Hammersmiths seems worthwhile to fetch back Beorn's Welcome or Expert Treasure-hunter when needed.

Jun 14, 2022 Beorn 14320

I agree that Erebor Hammersmith provides a useful function in retrieving attachments. It’s unfortunate that the response only works when you play them from your hand, because this deck musters most allies from the top of your deck or from the discard pile.

Jun 16, 2022 Swordthatwasbroke 737

Honestly I can’t take these ALeP cards seriously, they’re so overpowered. I get they’re a fun design by the community and not everyone has to use them, but more and more people are treating them like cannon and it throws off the whole balance of the game. Like this new hero Osbera, she takes the whole damage shtick from the ents and ramps it up to 15 with little to no negative effects. Hell, even without flipping her she can effectively quest for up to 7. That’s a way bigger bonus than any ent ever gets, and those heroes have a much higher threat cost for much worse abilities. I just can’t look at something so blatantly OP and not almost laugh at the design flaws. Anyway, I apologize for the rant, no disrespect meant for the ALeP designers.

Jun 16, 2022 Seastan 45864

@Swordthatwasbroke Cards can often seem better in theory than in practice. Setting up 5 damaged Beornings is harder that it sounds.

I always encourage those with doubts about the ALeP player cards to just start by limiting themselves to the ALeP quests, which they were designed and playtested alongside. Then they can see for themselves if they actually do feel significantly more powerful than decks they can build with strictly official cards.

Jun 16, 2022 doomguard 2191

i mentioned the powercreep multiple times in the process, and meanwhile i am tired of it and no longer mention it. the powercreep is there, but not as hard as somebody think. e.g. osbera, yes, she could pile some support with wounded beornings, but, see also her flaw, that is not obvious on the first sight: if you give her restricted attachements, she looses them by flipping. so either you do not give her any (what is a huge flaw) or you do not flipp her (and without flipping the hero is not this overwhelming)

playing a beorningdeck lacks most of the time questingpower, for that she supports well but not op (beorning-allies are mostly expensive). without beornings her ability does not help. so, overall THIS hero is upper average, but far from op (like Thengel )