Questlogs using this decklist | |
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None. Self-made deck here. |
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Eowyn Goes Berserk | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Card draw simulator |
0% –
0% –
Gameplay simulator | ||
In Play
Discard Pile
FattyBolger 215
"Careful, lass," said Grimbeorn. "There are trolls ahead."
"How many?" Eowyn asked.
"Four," he said. "Nasty ones."
She wiped the miruvor from her lips. "Hold my flask."
This deck brings out the berserker in Éowyn. It's tailored to Conflict at the Carrock, allowing her to take out all four trolls in a single round, all by herself, before they have a chance to attack. Best case scenario, she'll be attacking with an aggregate attack strength of 68.
The deck starts at 20 threat, so you have plenty of time to set everything up. In the meantime, (MotK) Firyal helps you avoid some of the nastier cards in the encounter deck.
Here are the pieces you'll need:
- Weapons: The only thing more awesome than a berserker shield-maiden is a dual-wielding berserker shield-maiden. Load Eowyn up with two daggers ([Dagger of Westernesse](/card/141014)), two spears ([Spear of the Mark](/card/06137)), or one of each. You'll need at least 13 attack to defeat the trolls when they first come out. Note that if you go with two daggers, you'll need to attack the trolls a few rounds earlier, since your threat will need to be less than their engagement cost even after Eowyn triggers her abiity. Alternatively, a single copy of [Unseen Strike](/card/04004) strike will do.
- Courage: Berserkers are fearless. Help Eowyn find the courage she needs. Either liquid courage ([Miruvor](/card/04133)) or [Unexpected Courage](/card/01057) will do. She'll need two readying attachments before facing the trolls.
- Battle Cry: Her berserker cry is "[Forth Eorlingas!](/card/06138)."
There are plenty of support cards to help you find the pieces faster: Galadhrim Minstrel, Gléowine, Master of the Forge, Spare Pipe, Daeron's Runes, Heed the Dream, and Gather Information. Henamarth Riversong helps with turtling. I tested the deck several times against the quest and found it consistently able to get everything into play.
Once you have all the pieces, it's time for Eowyn to go berserk. The key is to use the action window between steps 6.8.1 and 6.8.2 to turn Eowyn into an absolute beast. (I can't take credit for this discovery; I learned about it here on ringsdb.) With the trolls in the staging area, play Forth Eorlingas! early in the combat phase, using the action window between 6.2 and 6.3. If you have it, you can play Unseen Strike strike, too. Then (6.8ab) declare Eowyn as an attacker against the first troll. Use the next action window (between 6.8.1 and 6.8.2) to trigger her ability. Now when you calculate her attack strength at step 6.8.2, she'll have up to 17 attack (1 from her base attack strength + 9 from her ability + 2 from one weapon + 2 from the other + 3 if you use Unseen Strike). After resolving the attack, repeat for each of the remaining three trolls, for a total of ... 40 damage.
"H-how," stammered Grimbeorn, "how did you do that?"
Eowyn smiled, wiping her blades clean."Easy," she said. "Action windows."
May 14, 2022 |
May 14, 20224 attacks and either guessed dmg, or different defense of the trolls. |
May 14, 2022I was thinking of effective damage, based on the trolls' hit points (10 each). But you're right, |
May 14, 2022Thanks, I just wanted to understand. The deck looks like incredible fun and I enjoyed reading how Eowyn made Grimbeorn stammer. Very cool. |
May 15, 2022"She'll need two readying attachments before facing the trolls." - that gives her three attacks. How does she makes 4th one? |
May 15, 2022
May 15, 2022But she will have had a weak first attack before using her ability... |
May 15, 2022
May 15, 2022I had to look up the Rules Reference because I don't know what 6.8.1 and 6.8.2 are. So she is declared attacker, you use her ability to boost attack and ready, attack strength is then determined after that, and then the first attack is finally resolved. She is now ready for the next 3 attacks and has a boosted attack for the remainder of the phase. Have I got it right now? |
May 15, 2022Correct. |
May 15, 2022Does Unseen Strike stack? If you had both copies, and played both of them on Eowyn, would she be +6 ? Upping the theoretical ceiling to 20 per attack? Absolutely unnecessary, but while we're going full beast mode.... |
May 15, 2022Yes it stacks |
May 15, 2022Another option would be to use War Axe instead of Dagger of Westernesse so that your threat would not be an issue in the corner case where triggering Éowyn's ability pushes you over the edge |
May 15, 2022Why the multiple copies of Firyal? Since it's unique you can't play the other copies... and if the hero version goes down you lose your Lore resources so you can't play the backups. |
May 15, 2022The latest ruling about Setup timing has it so the Contract Setup effect takes place after drawing the starting hand (and possibly taking a Mulligan). If your only copy of your MotK target is in your starting hand, then the Contract effect will be unable to fetch it and fizzle, so having 2 copies of Firyal is a way to further reduce the odds of that unlucky scenario |
May 15, 2022
May 15, 2022
May 15, 2022Anyone else think that Éowyn is extremely overpowered? I'm thinking maybe we'll get a new errata soon, especially with this trick of letting her attack twice... |
May 15, 2022no, she needs that, to fill her role out of the books, where she killed the witchking after he killed her father. it is a oneshot. in multiplayer you rarely get the situation that all enemys will wait in the staging until your setup is ready. remember, the whole deck is build for her to shine. you can have similar things with Aragorn or Boromir . Aragorn with Merry and a few weapons can also kill easily multiple enemys and only 1 have to be defended and they can do that every round if merry has some readying. she is definetly one of the best heroes, but not better than elrond, or gandalf or strategy-important like Dáin Ironfoot or Erestor. |
May 15, 2022I think the difference between Eowyn and other strong heroes like Dáin Ironfoot or Elrond is that she needs no setup. Those heroes are all the engine of certain types of decks, such as Vilya swarm or Dwarf swarm, and they need certain things to be powerful (Elrond needs his ring, and Dain needs dwarf allies to boost). The thing about Eowyn that is maybe OP (but that I also love) is that you can throw her in any deck. She provides cards, and fills the role of quester while having very low starting threat. Then she also has her nuclear option. Even heroes like Aragorn and Merry, while very powerful, need attachments and time to become great. Eowyn doesn't need any of that. Her perfect use in definitely on a boss enemy, so yes, she might not ever have an opportunity to attack twice. Then again, there are plenty of hardy enemies out there that you encounter normally (looking at you, Corsair ships!). Also, while her ability is extremely thematic, it does seem a little like cheating thematically to use her attack multiple times, because in the book she only used it on the Witch King, not the other Nazgul as well :) |
May 15, 2022I actually agree with If you took away Eowyn's threat discount, she'd still be plenty powerful and worth playing. But you'd have to think a little harder about whether to include her. |
May 15, 2022about the discount i agree, the nuke is unique but not op. (would count e.g. Denethor +2 res as equal). every table should have eowyn, thats clear ;) |
I understood it all until your final statement "After resolving the attack, repeat for each of the remaining three trolls, for a total of ... 40 damage.". Where is the 40 damage calculated from? I can see an attack strength of 17 from your description, how does that translate to 40 damage?