Stridin' Solo

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Mormegil 6392

A Strider Deck with two mighty Elven-Lords! Need I say more?

  • Mulligan for Light of Valinor, Strider or Henamarth. He is extremely useful for that deck in Solo. You should hopefully be able to get 2 out of the 3.
  • Strider is a bit better on Glorfindel with Fair and Perilous.
  • Resourcefuls go on Elrond.
  • The rest should be pretty straight forward.



Sep 12, 2016 shoreless 26

Very nice! Eventually I'd like to rework this with Rossiel instead of Glorfy.

Sep 12, 2016 Mormegil 6392

@shipwreckThanks and good idea

Sep 12, 2016 Lecitadin 205

When 'Light of Valinor and Strider are attaches to those 2 fin e elves, it's easy to play Peace and Though tinstaed of Daeron's Ruins to draw 5 cards, because they won,t even need to exhaust to quest!

Sep 12, 2016 Mormegil 6392

Yeah but then they are not able to quest the nrxt round @Lecitadin

Sep 12, 2016 Lecitadin 205

They can quest anyway, because LoV and Strider do not require the heroes to exhaust to quest. ;-)

Sep 12, 2016 Mormegil 6392

@Lecitadin I do not think that is how it works, I think they need to be ready to quest in the first place. Anobody knows more about this, please contact me!

Sep 12, 2016 Lecitadin 205

The rule book says ''Each player may commit characters to the current quest card. Characters are exhausted when they commit to a quest.'' So because the first thing you do is commit characters to the quest and THEN you exhaust them, if a card allows them to quest without exhausting, they just don,t have to exhaust to quest.

Sep 12, 2016 Mormegil 6392

I started a discussion on discord. People there say the same thing I say. If they would want to make these characters able to commit, they would word LoV and Strider as they would have worded Lindon Navigator.

Sep 12, 2016 Lecitadin 205

I see. Thanks for the heads up! But damn, that would have been such a powerful drawing engine! 8-)

Sep 12, 2016 Mormegil 6392

Yeah, I would have loved it to work as wel... ;)

Sep 12, 2016 Lecitadin 205

Yep! I'm actually working on a deck with Elrond and probably Glorfi, for solo, with LoV and Strider, with Gandalf 2 (with Narya) and Threebeard and a 3rd ally that would be a healer. The idea is to keep 5 characters to always get Strider's effect. I'll post it if it works (mentioning that it was inspired by your deck!). ;-)

Sep 13, 2016 wehehe 1299

Nice deck. Just one issue. Rivendell Scout wont work in secrecy, as its cost will be 0, and when a card's cost is 0, it needs the sphere matching to be played, and I don't think you want to play it paying 2 resources from Elrond...

Sep 14, 2016 kwitee 49

@jakehage6 I agree, there is a difference between 'can commit to the quest while exhausted' and 'doesn't exhaust to commit to the quest'. The latter needs the hero to be ready to be able to commit.

Sep 14, 2016 Kakita_Shiro 41

@Lecitadin: Instead of having a 5th character be a healer, you can have Galadhrim Healer bounce in and out of play to heal guys and keep Gildor Inglorion around.

Sep 14, 2016 Lecitadin 205

Good idea!!!