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In Play
Discard Pile
Turgon 730
What happens when you put together a seasoned veteran of the First Age, a wise councilor of the Second Age, and a spirited warrior from the Third Age?
You get "Multi-Generational Elf Warriors", a Noldor Three Hunters deck!
Relic of Nargothrond is the most important card to mulligan for, and Rivendell Blade and War Axe are pretty important too. Light of Valinor lets Legolas quest without exhausting, and he can ready Glorfindel with his ability.
You want to get Rivendell Blade, Rohan Warhorse, Silver Circlet, War Axe, Strider, Light of Valinor, or Relic of Nargothrond early on. With Erestor you should see all these before long.
Some piloting advice:
If you have to choose between Mirkwood Long-knife and Silver Circlet, choose Mirkwood Long-knife.
If you're playing multiplayer, let Legolas help other people, and Glorfindel can take care of all your enemies.
Elven-light is really good at the end where you draw a bunch of duplicates.
The guarded attachments can really go on anyone, but they help pass the contract if you're playing a Saga scenario. Otherwise, you should be able to flip the contract in two or three rounds.
Erestor is your defender. With A Burning Brand, Relic of Nargothrond, Cloak of Lórien, Round Shield, and Protector of Lórien, he does his job pretty well. He usually has around 6 , but he can get a lot higher with Round Shield and Protector of Lórien.
Rohan Warhorse goes on Glorfindel, and Erestor gets the priority with Unexpected Courage.
In all, this is a pretty enjoyable Three Hunters deck, and it covers all its bases pretty well. Happy questing!
May 02, 2022 |
May 02, 2022
May 02, 2022it is because you do not know when you get a shadoweffect and when not. if it would activate once a round at the first defense, i would take it, but it only activates if the shadowcard has a shadoweffect (about 50%) , and thats to random for my taste. |
May 02, 2022I would actually make Round Shield 3x for flipping the contract on the first turn. I would also add Bow of Yew for the same reason. |
May 02, 2022he has a decent chance to flip even without zero-cost attachements. 1st is 1 reduced (e.g. the Gondorian Shield cost 0 ) then for 2nd he needs 1 of each sphere for cost of 1. thats possible. the zero-cost-attachements would not increase it by much (if you exchange) if you add overall it increase more. with erestor its no shame to make more than 50. so i would take in 3 of each (gondorian, round and bow) if you want to stay on 50 i would take the gondorian. |
May 02, 2022
May 02, 2022if you take all and increase your deck, you perhaps can skip the Open the Armory so you only will go to 54 cards and have enough restricted to flipp early. |
May 02, 2022True...though Open the Armory is pretty awesome |
May 02, 2022testing will not take much time. make some (recomand about 10) startinghands with Open the Armory it and same without and count how often you can achieve contract in your first planningphase. i can imagine you will have the 6 restricted in your 10 cards so there is no need for armory, or you cannot pay it. |
would replace Round Shield with Gondorian Shield, then erestor become faster a good defender.