Aragorn The warrior deck series #3 : The Hobbit friends !

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13nrv 4630

A well known deck !

Use the combination between Merry and Aragorn :

Merry and Aragorn attack together, destroy an ennemy, Merry untap Aragorn, Aragorn engage another enemy ... If we put some ready effect (Fast Fitch/Rohan warhorse) on Merry, you repeat this flow and literally kill all enemies. If we add Pippin, it's just insane : because after engage another enemy, you can add draw a card.

If we add Gondolin blades, it's just totally insane : because after destroy enemy, you can add put tokens on quest.

Allies are just here to bring chump blocker and some extra attacks for big enemies. The deck is very cheap and draw a lot of cards. Turn 2, the killer machine is setup and kill all enemies each turn.

At 4 players on Battle of five armies NM, this deck have done a BBQ of Orcs and advance on quest in combat phase with Gondolin blades (i have put 12 tokens in one turn).


Sep 07, 2016 Aorakis 584

I remmember how this deck made tons of angry post and review when aragorn 3 came...

But, and even if i understand the complains about this deck being very "too" strong, i also found this deck really funny !

And let's say it, without good teamates, you will not last long.

People sometimes forgot that hobbits got ... 2hp ^^

Sep 09, 2016 mndela 417

it is not strong. i have seen a lot of games lost, when one player had those 3 heroes

Sep 09, 2016 13nrv 4630

@mndela I have paired it with a questing deck and it was strong on many NM scenario !

Sep 09, 2016 Kakita_Shiro 41

I wonder if you need the Rohan Warhorses at all. Fast Hitch does the same job since it's Merry you need to keep readying and all the weapons are restricted.

Nov 01, 2016 Stavo343 1

LOVED trying this deck out paired with Beorn's Brave Explorers against The Morgul Vale. I kind of wish you had named it the Merry-gorn-round, though :)