Bill the Pony secrecy deck

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FattyBolger 215

Have you ever dreamed of leading Bill the Pony on adventures by himself? Have you given up waiting for FFG to give us a Hero version of Bill the Pony? Have you ever thought, "Hobbit secrecy decks are fun, but you know what Sauron would really never expect? A pony secrecy deck!" Well, my friend, this is the deck for you.

This deck allows you to take Bill the Pony from ally to hero status while playing "The Weather Hills" (from The Lost Realm).

You start with Loragorn in secrecy mode. Use The Grey Wanderer to put Strider on him at the start of the game. "Wait, what about Bill?" Patience, my friend, patience. Mulligan for Northern Tracker. Then take your time and build up your board state. Turtle as long as you can on the first stage; avoid traveling and avoid engaging enemies as much as possible. Getting Gleowine out early helps, since you'll basically want to draw through your entire deck before moving on to the second and final stage. Play Bill the Pony at any time (you'll need Song of Kings or A Good Harvest, since The Grey Wanderer only works for non-unique allies).

Here's the tricky part. Bill only has 2 hit points, but you need to get 1 damage on him. Fortunately the quest has plenty of direct damage effects, so with patience it shouldn't be difficult. Once you have a strong board state, Bill the Pony in play with 1 damage, and Sword-Thain in hand, move on to the second stage of the quest. Be careful to avoid over-questing so you don't end the game too early.

Now the key is to turtle until you reveal Cold from Angmar from the encounter deck. (Use Firyal to find it faster.) Cold from Angmar reads: "When Revealed: Each player deals 1 damage to a hero he controls. Attach Cold from Angmar to the current quest. Counts as a Condition attachment with the text: Treat each damaged character's printed text box as if it were blank, except for keywords and Traits." Since Bill is damaged, his text box goes blank, which means you can now play attachments on him. Play Sword-thain, and Bob's your uncle, Bill's your hero.

Of course, you're still not playing a Bill the Pony deck. You're playing an Aragorn + Bill deck. Wouldn't it be unfortunate if something happened to Aragorn? If, say, he died valiantly from an undefended attack by an orc? Of if direct damage from a treachery card did him in? Then it would fall to Bill to finish the quest alone. The round before he dies, Aragorn offers a parting gift: he resets the threat. Now you're playing the deck of your dreams: a Bill the Pony secrecy deck.


Apr 24, 2022 Turgon 730

This is awesome

Apr 24, 2022 Thanee 150

You could use Helm of Secrecy to turn Aragorn into Folco and discard him for -7 Threat. :D

Apr 25, 2022 doomguard 2191

with (MotK) Bill the Pony it is faster ;) (and yes he can be motk, the contract is no attachement, it remain cardtype contract though it will be attached) i have a deck centered about it:

Apr 25, 2022 FattyBolger 215

@doomguard You make a good point about MotK not being an "attachment" by type. Has there been a ruling about this? The contract says "attach it to that ally," while Bill says "cannot have attachments." Without a ruling, I'd be hesitant to use MotK on Bill (or other creatures), since it goes against the plain meaning (though not the technical meaning) of the cards.

Apr 25, 2022 doomguard 2191

other attached things (like Wild Stallion ) have seperately stated "counts as xxxx attachement" that stand not on the contcact. so, nothing says, that it become an "attachment" (as cardclass) after it is (physically) attached.

Apr 25, 2022 doomguard 2191

and, we do trust this side, do we not? if ringsdb say there is a (MotK) Bill the Pony as true fans we have to think it is right ;)

Apr 25, 2022 doomguard 2191

another hint, even the encounterobjectives, that where attached have stated if they become an attachement, see:

so either it was forgotten at the contract, or it do not become an attachement by class.

Apr 25, 2022 FattyBolger 215

As for (MotK) Bill the Pony, you can still use MotK with Bill even if you can't attach it. The contract reads: "Choose a non-neutral unique ally from your deck and put it into play. ... Then, flip this card over and attach it to that ally." So you would resolve the first part but (maybe) be unable to resolve the second part.

Anyway, I do see your argument. Perhaps an even stronger point is that the section on "Cannot have attachments" in the Rules Reference says: "A card with the text 'Cannot have attachments' cannot have attachment cards attached to it." This suggests that "Cannot have attachments" has a technical meaning, which might over-rule the plain meaning.

I don't know whether Caleb is still answering rules queries, but I just sent one via the FFG site.

Apr 25, 2022 FattyBolger 215

@doomguard Actually no need for a ruling. I had missed this line in the FAQ: "Any non-objective card that attaches to another card loses its original card type and gains the attachment card type." So Messenger of the King could not be attached to Bill.

Apr 25, 2022 FattyBolger 215

@Thanee Great idea, that way you'd have more rounds with Bill in secrecy. And I love the image of Aragorn turning out to be Folco in disguise!

Apr 25, 2022 FattyBolger 215

For posterity I'll add that I also received this ruling from Caleb: "I'm afraid you cannot attach anything to an ally that cannot have attachments."

Apr 25, 2022 doomguard 2191

sad :(