
Questlogs using this decklist
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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

TheMisFitMan 347

G(lorfindel).R(adagast).É(owyn).G(ildor Inglorion).

Mulligan for Radagast's Staff or Word of Command. Your threat starts at 31 thanks to Éowyn‘s setup ability.

Attach A Burning Brand, Diligent Noble, Shining Shield, all copies of Dúnedain Warning, Wizard Pipe and his staff to Radagast.

Play Light of Valinor, Asfaloth, Rivendell Blade and Valiant Sword on Glorfindel.

If Wizard Pipe is attached to Radagast, you can play Messenger Raven, send it to quest (+Radagast who doesn‘t exhaust for questing), exchange a card in your hand with the top card of your deck with the pipe‘s action and then return the raven and that top card (you never fail by naming that card‘s type) to your hand. Repeat this every round to effectively draw 2 cards each round (3 with Gildor‘s action, 4 with Prepare for Battle in the victory display).

Try to make Thalion your fifth hero by putting side-quests in the victory display.


Apr 20, 2022 FattyBolger 215

Nice combo with Radagast's raven! I wonder: is Diligent Noble + Shining Shield worth it? Seems like it might be more consistent just to include a third copy of Dunedain Warning and then use the extra slot for Sneak Attack, so as to have an additional way to reduce threat with Gandalf.

Apr 20, 2022 TheMisFitMan 347

That would absolutely be great, but the contract forbids more than two copies of a card by title. Nevertheless you can easily exchange Diligent Noble and Shining Shield for two copies of Sneak Attack, but I thought that the sneaky Gandalf combo doesn‘t come up that much due to one less copy each. Therefore I substituted the missing third copy of Dúnedain Warning with Shining Shield for one more defense option…

Apr 20, 2022 FattyBolger 215

That makes sense. I forgot about the 2x restriction. I guess once you've got the card-draw engine going, you're more likely to draw into the Diligent Noble + Shining Shield combo. But by the same token, you'd also be more likely to draw into Gandalf + Sneak Attack. Anyway, thanks for the deck!

Apr 21, 2022 TheMisFitMan 347

Yeah, you‘re right, I guess it’s the same probability to draw into that combo, maybe even better. Thanks for your comments and happy questing!