Of pipes and hobbits

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Yepesnopes 1271

A few tips on how to use it:

-It is a deck about keeping your thread low. In your starting hand, you want cards like Bilbo and Hobbit Pipes, a Resourceful is nice, but not a must. You want to get your pipes fast so Master of the forge is also a good card to have.

-Initially it is preferably to get the cheap allies that quest good, Robin, Sam, Galadriel's Handmaiden, Quickbeam, Arwen and Bilbo. Later on you want Treebeard, Gandalf and Glorfindel to start killing enemies so they don't pile up too much in the staging area. Elfhelm is here to help with the killing and reduce the impact of cards that rise your threat.

-Gandalf is specially a central piece of this deck. You need to get him Narya (who can use on himself btw) and his staff. Shadowfax and his pipe are good too. It is nice to have Gandalf and the three hobbits all doing smoke rings :)

-Fast hitch is good on Merry (a second one can go to Frodo), with it, Merry can quest, get ready, and lower your thread if an enemy appears.

-You will do most of your parry with Gandalf or Treebeard, but use Frodo if a huge guy tries to attack you, or you cannot afford to exhaust Treebeard or Gandalf.

Flame of Anor is just a too cool card. You need the Wizard pipe to use it efficiently. With it, use Flamor of Anor on the copies of cards you won't play anymore, like extra Shadowfax or Gandalf, Resourceful...

-Drawing cards: You need to engage enemies to trigger Pipin ability and use threat reducing events to exhaust your Hobbit pipes.

-You can change Eleveneses for Elrond's counsel, but it is less thematic :)

-Finally, weaknesses: 1) This deck will do poorly on adventures where you have a limited amount of rounds, it just won't work. 2) It is difficult to pair as it uses Glorfindel, Arwen, Gandalf and Treebeard. In multiplayer you most probably will need to take away Glorfindel. A possible change is to add Gildor Inglorion, Prince Imrahil, or another copy of Gandalf. You can perfecty live without Arwen by adding an extra copy of Sam instead.