As a Wind Among Grass

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
The Battle of Pellenor Fields
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Rohan Roughriders 7 2 2 1.0
Card draw simulator
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In Play
Discard Pile

The White Wizard 544

A Rohan deck that can do it all? Impossible, you may say. I beg to differ! This deck is one of the most reliable deck for solo I have ever played. The main theme is to discard allies to trigger Eothain, using Stand and Fight to get them back. Horseback Archer and Snowbourn Scout are nice to discard, since they are cheap and don't do a lot. But the best combo is Grimbold + Eothain + Valiant Sacrifice + Stand and Fight. This combo has saved quite a few games. This deck beat Helm's Deep with ease first try. Have fun!


Sep 03, 2016 Kakita_Shiro 41

Interesting that you don't use Gamling at all. No room?

Sep 03, 2016 dragonwarriorfan 713

I second that comment - no Gamling and it works? Impossible!

Sep 03, 2016 Aorakis 583

Yup, gamling is such a nice add for Rohan ! Specially that it would not be a problem to pay him Theodred can send a ressoruce to theoden, then the next turn he got 3 ressources -1 from his capacity. And there come Gamling !

And in fact, even just x1, for the amazing artwork of gamling, you should play it ^^

Gj anyway ;)

Sep 03, 2016 Aorakis 583

and no westfold outrider, is kind of.. weird too ^^ They can cost 1, helps to quest while engaging an enemy from staging, attacks for 2... and got 2hp ! ^^

one of the best rohan ally to have if you play tactic in your rohan i.m.o !

i would probably get rid of legolas and horseback for entering them aswell as at least a gamling ;)

I got a "similar heroes" version looking like this :

I'm also hesitating about removing those desperate defense, but they helped each time.

Sep 04, 2016 The White Wizard 544

Thanks for the feedback! I agree that Gamling and Westfold Outrider would have been great in the deck; unfortunately, I don't own them yet.

Sep 18, 2019 Mythdracon 1

Hm, how do you draw sufficient cards to pull off the combo?

Oct 14, 2019 Mythdracon 1

Ok, I tried this deck--several flaws: you cannot discard allies except with Helm! Helm! of which you have only two copies (allies which are destroyed aren't considered "discarded" but rather "destroyed"). You need Escorts from Edoras if you want more allies that actually discard.

Also, because you have an entire half deck comprised of spirit cards, and only Theodred to help with resource smoothing, you often have Eowyn with a stack of Tactics resources, Theoden at no resources, and a ton of spirit cards in your hand. You need Song of Travel in the deck, or maybe Spirit Eowyn with some Song of Battle (maybe 2) to play Golden Shield (which, aside from Grimbold, is the main reason to have Tactics here).