Army of Gondor (Spirit Beregond)

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emart40x 30

Visionary Leadership (Unique) goes on Boromir.

Armored Destrier (Restricted), Livery of the Tower (Restricted), Steward of Gondor (Unique) and Unexpected Courage go on Beregond.

With Livery of the Tower and Steward of Gondor, Beregond can consistently drop the threat by 1 each round as long as you remain engaged with an enemy. Steward of Gondor keeps him awash with resources, and Livery of the Tower allows him to spend away any damage he may occasionally incur. Either Unexpected Courage or Armored Destrier (or both) allows him to handle multiple defenses per round, but there are still plenty of low-cost leadership allies to chump block when necessary for readying Prince Imrahil and occasional card draw with Valiant Sacrifice.

When Beregond gets more resources than he can possibly use, The Galadhrim's Greeting is something else for him to pay for.

Boromir with Visionary Leadership can spread an attack and willpower boost across the table (the attack boost is just for allies, though). Don't forget that if your threat gets over 40, your Veterans of Osgiliath get a decent bonus as well.

The Gondor synergy is very strong in the current available card pool, and will probably only continue to improve. My favorite scenario for this deck is The Massing at Osgiliath.


Sep 01, 2016 Fantasty 2264

Wouldn't The Day's Rising be a perfect fit for this deck? Or do you find you don't need it because of Steward of Gondor?

Sep 01, 2016 emart40x 30

That would be a great card, but having the Steward of Gondor on Beregond gives him a ridiculous amount of resources to cancel any amount of damage he might suffer. Ideally, with Livery of the Tower, I keep at least one enemy always engaged with me so that I can reduce my threat by 1 each turn, and with a lot of resources on Beregond, he can cancel away as much undefended damage as I'm willing to put on him. Card draw is lacking in this deck, so it's not that important that either of my Leadership allies have a super-abundance of resources. Beregond stalls the attacks and threat gain for long enough for me to build up my army and make a powerful dash to victory.