Quick and Dirty Questing

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Quick and Dirty
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

ohuerc 462

A quick-made deck to beat The Dunland Trap. Trying to rely on events and non-item attachments. Silvan Refugee and Escort from Edoras can give an early quest boost. DO NOT PLAY any Escort from Edoras until after the trap is sprung.

Song of Wisdom on Frodo Baggins to enable Good Meal on Gildor's Counsel. Also, Song of Wisdom on Beregond to give him A Burning Brand.

The sideboard contains another combo that is probably no good. Since we're already running Renewed Friendship for Aragorn's threat reset, I threw in a Song of Kings and a Song of Travel, to use the spare Renewed Friendship's to send resources over. I doubt it's useful. Also, removed Song of Travel: Deck #1 doesn't need Song of EƤrendil when Elrond's Counsel can only affect Deck #2.