LotR Puzzle: Close Call at Deadmen's Dike

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Thanee 150

Derived from Seastan's great idea with the "Win Condition" series of puzzle decks, I figured, why not post a similar puzzle of my own.

Seastan's 1st Puzzle - Seastan's 2nd Puzzle

A big thanks to Seastan for the inspiration (and lots of crazy decks)! :-)

You are at the last stage of the Deadman's Dike quest.

A Fell Wraith (2B. 13 progress required to defeat. 0 progress placed so far.)

Forced: After Thaurdir attacks and destroys a character, that character's controller must either discard the top 3 cards of his deck, or return Thaurdir to the staging area.

If a player has no cards in his deck, he is eliminated from the game. The players cannot defeat this stage while Thaurdir has any hit points remaining. If the players defeat this stage, they win the game.

The Staging Area is empty.

Thaurdir (Threat 4. Attack 6. Defense 4. Wounds 9. Undead. Wraith. Indestructible. Cannot have attachments. Forced: After a treachery card with the Sorcery trait is revealed from the encounter deck, Thaurdir heals 3 damage and makes an immediate attack against the first player.) is engaged with your party and has 4 damage from last round.

The Encounter Deck only has three cards left (the first is known thanks to Henamarth Riversong):

Dark Sorcery (Sorcery. Doomed 2. When Revealed: Each player discards each ally he controls that has the same title as a card in his discard pile. Shadow: Discard the defending character if there is a copy of that character in its owner's discard pile.)

The only other cards, that can be left in the Encounter Deck are 2x Unnatural Fog, which are not in the discard pile, yet. Unnatural Fog has no shadow effect.

Cards in play:

Celeborn with Cloak of Lórien, O Lórien (8 resources, 1 damage)

Galadriel with Steward of Gondor (16 resources)

Haldir of Lórien (2 resources)

Iârion (Objective-Ally. Willpower X. Attack X. Defense X. Wounds 4. Dúnedain. Ranger. X is the number of quest cards in play. The first player gains control of Iârion. Response: After a side quest is revealed from the encounter deck, ready Iârion. If Iârion leaves play, the players lose the game.)

Gandalf (OHaUH) with Gandalf's Staff, Shadowfax, Wizard Pipe

Henamarth Riversong

Silvan Tracker

Silvan Tracker

Cards in hand:

Galadhrim Minstrel, Galadhrim Weaver, Naith Guide, Orophin, Sword-Thain, Wingfoot, Feigned Voices, Second Breakfast, The Tree People

Cards in deck (only one card left here):


Cards in discard (in order from top to bottom):

Galadriel's Handmaiden, Island Amid Perils, Galadhrim Weaver, Glorfindel (FotS), Lembas, Dwarven Tomb, The Tree People, Narya, Nenya, Gandalf (OHaUH), O Lórien, Nenya, Glorfindel (FotS), Galadhrim Weaver, Mirror of Galadriel, Feigned Voices, Henamarth Riversong, Naith Guide, Lembas, The Tree People, Orophin, Mirror of Galadriel, Galadhrim Minstrel, Silvan Tracker, Nenya, Feigned Voices, Island Amid Perils, Galadriel's Handmaiden, Mirror of Galadriel, Light of Valinor

It is now the Planning Phase. You have 48 Threat.

Win the game during the current round!

I hope this is fun and challenging.

Please use www.rot13.com to hide your answer before posting here!


Aug 26, 2016 Seastan 45852

Do we get to choose the order of the encounter deck once it gets reshuffled?

Aug 26, 2016 Thanee 150

It shouldn't get reshuffled, really.

The idea is to win during the current round, of course.

Aug 26, 2016 Seastan 45852

There is only one card left in the deck. What about Thaurdir's shadow cards?

Aug 26, 2016 Thanee 150

Aha, I think I know where you are coming from... the quest deck is immediately reshuffled, if the last card is revealed during the quest phase? I thought that it only happens, if you need to reveal another card.

So, yeah, the idea is, that there are no shadow effects (to remove any randomness).

Okay, let me quickly change that part, it is easily done.

You know the next card (thanks the Henamar), there will be two more in the deck, which have no shadow effect (known by exclusion, since the rest of the deck is open knowledge).

Aug 26, 2016 Thanee 150

Always some little detail you overlook... ^^

Thank you for pointing it out! :-)

Aug 28, 2016 Thanee 150

If you need some hints, let me know.

Aug 29, 2016 Seastan 45852

It's very complex and hard to picture in my head. If I had my cards in front of me I could set up the puzzle, but I won't be able to do that for a couple more weeks.

Aug 29, 2016 Thanee 150

Yeah, it is a little convoluted for sure. But it's not running away. ;-)

I used a txt file when I wrote it together to shift around the cards between the locations (i.e. in play, in hand, in deck, in discard), that worked pretty well. But you also have to look at the actual cards constantly (at least I need to, but the mouse overs here work well enough for that).

Sep 09, 2016 Schwaig 19

Here is my solution:

  1. Cynl Tnynquevz Jrnire zbir Tnynqevryf Unaqznvqra gb Qrpx (Tnynqevry Erff 15)
  2. Cynl Frpbaq Oernxsnfg -> zbir Yrzonf gb Unaq (Pryrobea Erff 7)
  3. Cynl Jvatsbbg ba Unyqve (Unyqve Erff 1)
  4. Cynl Anvgu Thvqr -> Pubbfr Pryrobea (Pryrobea Erff 5)
  5. Cynl Fjbeq-Gunva ba Tnaqnys (Tnynqevry Erff 11)
  6. Cynl Tybesvaqry sebz Qvfpneq (Tnynqevry Erff 6)
  7. Cynl Bebcuva -> Gevttre Pryrobea, zbir Tybesvaqry gb unaq (Pryrobea Erff 2)
  8. Cynl Yrzonf ba Tnaqnyq (Unyqve Erff 0)
  9. Hfr Tnynqevry (qenj enaqbz Pneq, 1 yrsg va qenj qrpx, guerng 47)
  10. Cynaavat cunfr raqf
  11. Dhrfg Cunfr: Pbzzvg gb Dhrfg: Unyqve (gevttrevat Jvatsbbg ba Gernpurel), Tnaqnys (qbrf abg xarry), Pryrobea (qbrf abg xarry qhr gb Anvgu Thvqr), Tybesvaqry (abj xaryg), Vnevba (abj xaryg), Pbzovarq Jvyycbjre bs 13
  12. Rapbhagre pneq: Qnex Fbeprel. Qbbzrq 2, guerng 49. Jura erirnyrq: Uranznegu Evirefbat, Fvyina Genpxre 1, Fvyina Genpxre 2, Tnynquevz Jrnire, Anvgu Thvqr naq Bebcuva ner qvfpneqrq. Gunheqve sbeprq ernpgvba: Urnyf 3, abj 1 jbhaq, naq nggnpxf, Jvatsbbg ernpgvba, Unyqve fgnaqf
  13. Qrsraq jvgu Tnaqnys, ab funqbj, Tnaqnys gnxrf 2 Qzt, Tnaqnys abg qrfgeblrq, Gunheqve fgnlf va pbzong
  14. Dhrfgvat: 13 JC ntnvafg 0, 13 nqiragher cbvagf
  15. Wbhearl cunfr: ab wbhearl
  16. Pbzong cunfr: Hfr Yrzonf, fgnaq Tnaqnys naq urny uvz, abj 0 jbhaqf
  17. Gunheqve nggnpxf, Tnaqnys qrsraqf, ab funqbj, 2 qnzntr gb Tnaqnys, abg qrfgeblrq, Gunheqve fgnlf va pbzong
  18. Fgnaq Tnaqnys hfvat Funqbjsnk
  19. Fgnaq Tybesvaqry, qvfpneqvat Tybesvaqry
  20. Nggnpx jvgu Pryrobea, Unyqve, Tnaqnys naq Tybesvaqry, Nggnpx fgeratgu 12, Gunheqve qrsrafr 4 tvirf n gbgny bs 8 qnzntr, Gunheqve abj ng 9 jbhaqf
  21. Tnzr jba ;)

Sep 09, 2016 Thanee 150

That's pretty good! But I see one problem:

Tybesvaqry vf Abyqbe abg Fvyina, fb Bebcuva pnaabg srgpu uvz sebz gur qvfpneq.

Sep 09, 2016 Schwaig 19

Nu bxnl. Fb jr unir gb cynl Bebcuva svefg, gevttre uvz ba Unaqznvqra naq guna hfr Jrnire ba gur gbc pneq juvpu vf abj Tybesvaqry. Gura ur jvyy or rvgure va gur qenj qrpx be ba gur unaq naq vg fubhyq jbex. Qbrf vg?

Sep 10, 2016 Thanee 150

That should, indeed, work! Well done! :-)

It's a little different than my original solution, but introducing so many options does allow multiple paths, of course.

Sep 10, 2016 Schwaig 19

Damn it, it doesn work because:

Pnaabg nggnpu Fjbeq-Gunva gb Tnaqnys fvapr ur unf ab fcurer.

Sep 10, 2016 Thanee 150

Doh! You are right. Totally missed that little bit in your solution.

Well then... back to the drawing board, it seems. :-)

Sep 10, 2016 Schwaig 19

Btw, where is Light of Valinor? It seems to be missing...

Sep 10, 2016 Thanee 150

You are right. :o I added it to the discard pile.

It is one of the cards I only added to have a valid decklist. :-)

Sep 10, 2016 Schwaig 19

Okay, another solution:

  1. Cynl Bebcuva sebz Unaq (Pryrobea Erff 5), zbivat gbczbfg Jrnire gb unaq
  2. Cynl Jrnire 1 sebz Unaq (Tnynqevry Erff 15), zbivat Unaqznvqra gb Qrpx
  3. Cynl Jrnire 2 sebz Unaq (Tnynqevry Erff 14), zbivat Tybesvaqry gb Qrpx
  4. Cynl Gur Gerr Crbcyr hfvat Jrnire 1, chggvat Unaqznvqra vagb cynl -> Guerng 47
  5. Cynl Frpbaq Oernxsnfg (Pryrobea Erff 4), zbivat Yrzonf gb Unaq
  6. Cynl Jrnire 1 sebz Unaq (Tnynqevry Erff 13), zbivat Frpbaq Oernxsnfg gb Qrpx
  7. Hfr B Ybevra gb erqhpr arkg Fvyina
  8. Cynl Zvafgery sebz Unaq (Unyqve Erff 1), frnepuvat sbe Frpbaq Oernxsnfg
  9. Cynl Frpbaq Oernxsnfg (Pryrobea Erff 3), zbivat Aneln gb Unaq
  10. Cynl Aneln ba Tnaqnys (Tnynqevry Erff 11)
  11. Cynl Fjbeq-Gunva ba Tnaqnys (Tnynqevry Erff 7)
  12. Cynl Yrzonf ba Tnaqnys (Unyqve Erff 0)
  13. Hfr Tnaqnys Fgnss gb tvir Unyqve 1 Erff
  14. Cynl Jvatsbbg ba Unyqve (Unyqve Erff 0)
  15. Cynl Tybesvaqry sebz Qvfpneq (Tnyqevry Erff 2)
  16. Cynl Anvgu Thvqr (Pryrobea Erff 1), gevttrevat ba Pryrobea
  17. Raqvat Cynaavat Cunfr
  18. Pbzzvg Pryrobea (abg xarryvat), Tnaqnys (abg xarryvat), Vnevba, Tybesvaqry naq Unyqve gb dhrfg. Gevttre Jvatsbbg jvgu Gernpurel. Pbzovarq JC bs 13
  19. Qnex Fbeprel. Envfr guerng gb 49. Qvfpneq Bebcuva, Jrniref, Fvyina Genpxref, Uranznegu, Unaqznvqra, Anvgu Thvqr naq Zvafgery. Vnevba, Tybesvaqry naq Urebrf (vapyhqvat Tnaqnys) fgnl va cynl. Fgnaq Unyqve orpnhfr bs Jvatsbbg
  20. Guenhqve urnyf 3 naq nggnpxf (sbeprq Ernpgvba) -> Qrsraq jvgu Tnaqnys, 2 qnzntr. Gunheqve ng 1 qnzntr.
  21. JC 13 tvirf 13 cebterff
  22. Hfr Yrzonf gb fgnaq naq urny Tnaqnys
  23. Pbzong: Gunheqve nggnpxf, qrsraq jvgu Tnaqnys, gnxrf 2 qnzntr
  24. Hfr Funqbjsnk gb fgnaq Tnaqnys
  25. Qvfpneq Srvtarq Ibvprf gb fgnaq Tybesvaqry
  26. Nggnpx jvgu Pryrobea, Unyqve, Tnaqnys naq Tybesvaqry, pbzovarq fgeratgu bs 12, qrnyvat 8 qnzntr gb Gunheqve. Gunheqve ng 9 qnzntr
  27. Tnzr jba

Sep 10, 2016 Schwaig 19

Addon to make it easier: Tybesvaqry qbrf nyfb abg xarry gb dhrfg orpnhfr bs Tnynqevry

Sep 11, 2016 Thanee 150

Very good! This is (almost) the solution I had thought up, when I wrote this. :-)

If you like, I can make it slightly harder, by switching two cards in the discard pile.

-> Gbczbfg Tybesvaqry fjvgpurq jvgu gbczbfg Vfynaq Nzvq Crevyf.

I have made this change above now.

Sep 11, 2016 Schwaig 19

Okay, with these new changes, a solution should be:

  1. Cynl gbczbfg Tybesvaqry sebz Qvfpneq (Tnynqevry Erff 11)
  2. Cynl Jrnire sebz Unaq (hfvat b Ybevra), fuhssyr Unaqznvqra vagb Qrpx
  3. Cynl Bebcuva sebz Unaq (Pryrobea Erff 5), gnxvat gbczbfg Jrnire gb unaq
  4. Cynl Jrnire sebz Unaq (Tnynqevry Erff 10), fuhssyr Vfynaq Nzvqfg Crevyf vagb Qrpx
  5. Cynl Gur Gerr Crbcyr, chggvat Bebcuva va Unaq naq Unaqznvqra vagb cynl (guerng 47 abj)
  6. Cynl Bebcuva sebz Unaq (Pryrobea Erff 2), gnxvat ynfg Jrnire gb unaq
  7. Cynl Frpbaq Oernxsnfg (Pryrobea Erff 1), gnxvat Yrzonf gb unaq
  8. Cynl Jrnire sebz Unaq (Tnynqevry Erff 9), fuhssyvat Frpbaq Oernxsnfg vagb Qrpx
  9. Cynl Zvafgery sebz Unaq (Unyqve Erff 0), frnepuvat sbe Frpbaq Oernxsnfg
  10. Cynl Frpbaq Oernxsnfg (Pryrobea Erff 0), gnxvat Aneln gb unaq
  11. Hfr Tnynqevry gb qenj bar pneq naq erqhpr guerng (guerng 46 abj)
  12. Rkpunatr erznvavat pneq bs qenjqrpx jvgu Anvgu Thvqr, abj jr unir „qenja“ Rys-sevraq naq Vfynaq Nzvqfg Crevyf naq chg Anvgu Thvqr vagb qenjqrpx
  13. Cynl Rys-sevraq ba Tybesvaqry (Tnynqevry Erff 8)
  14. Cynl Aneln ba Tnaqnys (Tnynqevry Erff 6)
  15. Cynl Fjbeq-Gunva ba Tnaqnys (Tnynqevry Erff 2)
  16. Hfr Fgrjneq bs Tbaqbe (Tnynqevry Erff 4)
  17. Hfr Tnaqnys Fgnss gb tvir Tnynqevry n erffbhepr (Tnynqevry Erff 5)
  18. Cynl Vfynaq Nzvqfg Crevyf gb chg Tybesvaqry vagb unaq (guerng 41 abj)
  19. Cynl Tybesvaqry sebz qvfpneq cvyr (Tnynqevry Erff 0)
  20. Raq cynaavat cunfr
  21. Pbzzvg Tnaqnys (abg xarryvat), Tybesvaqry naq 3k Jrniref (abg xarryvat qhr gb Tnynqevry naq +1 JC qhr gb Pryrobea) gb dhrfg, n gbgny bs 13 JC
  22. Qnex Fbeprel: Guerng gb 43. Qvfpneq Genpxref, Uranznegu, Unaqznvqra, Zvafgery, Bebcuva.
  23. Gunheqve sbeprq: Urnyf 3 (qnzntr 1 abj) naq nggnpxf. Qrsraq jvgu Tnaqnys, Tnaqnys gnxrf 2 qnzntr
  24. Dhrfgvat fhpprffshy, 13 cebterff
  25. Pbzong cunfr: Cynl Srvtarq Ibvprf, erghea n Jrnire gb Unaq. Gunheqve qbrf abg nggnpx
  26. Fgnaq Tnaqnys hfvat Funqbjsnk
  27. Fgnaq Tybesvaqry, qvfpneqvat Tybesvaqry be nal bgure erznvat pneq
  28. Nggnpx Gunheqve jvgu Tnaqnys, Tybesvaqry, Pryrobea, Unyqve,. Nggnpx fgeratgu bs 12, 4 qrsrafr sebz Gunheqve erfhygvat va 8 qnzntr gb Gunheqve.
  29. Tnzr jba gubhtu Vnevba abg rira hfrq ;)

Sep 11, 2016 Thanee 150

Yes, that looks very good! :-)

It is only slightly different to my original solution, which is:

Cynaavat Cunfr:

Fgrjneq bs Tbaqbe vf hfrq gb tvir 2 erfbheprf gb Tnynqevry. Tnaqnys'f Fgnss vf hfrq gb tvir 1 erfbhepr gb Unyqve. Jvmneq Cvcr vf hfrq gb rkpunatr Srvtarq Ibvprf (Unaq) jvgu Rys-sevraq (Qrpx). Anvgu Thvqr vf cynlrq, Pryrobea qbrf abg rkunhfg gb dhrfg. Bebcuva vf cynlrq gb trg Tnynquevz Jrnire sebz qvfpneq gb unaq. Tnynquevz Jrnire vf cynlrq, Tnynqevry'f Unaqznvqra vf fuhssyrq vagb gur qrpx. Frpbaq Oernxsnfg vf cynlrq gb trg Yrzonf sebz qvfpneq gb unaq. Tnynquevz Jrnire vf cynlrq, Frpbaq Oernxsnfg vf fuhssyrq vagb gur qrpx. B Yóevra vf hfrq gb erqhpr gur pbfg bs gur arkg Fvyina nyyl. Tnynquevz Zvafgery vf cynlrq gb trg Frpbaq Oernxsnfg onpx vagb unaq. Frpbaq Oernxsnfg vf cynlrq gb trg Aneln sebz qvfpneq gb unaq. Yrzonf vf cynlrq ba Pryrobea. Jvatsbbg vf cynlrq ba Unyqve. Aneln vf cynlrq ba Tnaqnys. Fjbeq-Gunva vf cynlrq ba Tnaqnys. Tybesvaqry vf cynlrq sebz gur qvfpneq. Rys-sevraq vf cynlrq ba Tybesvaqry. Gur Gerr Crbcyr ergheaf Tybesvaqry gb unaq, va beqre gb chg Tnynqevry'f Unaqznvqra vagb cynl (-1 Guerng). Tybesvaqry vf cynlrq sebz gur qvfpneq.

Dhrfg Cunfr:

Pryrobea (qbrf abg rkunhfg, gunaxf gb Anvgu Thvqr), Unyqve, Vâevba, Tnaqnys (qbrf abg rkunhfg) naq Tybesvaqry (qbrf abg rkunhfg, gunaxf gb Tnynqevry) dhrfg sbe 13. Gunheqve'f nggnpx vf qrsraqrq ol Pryrobea, jub vf ernqvrq jvgu Yrzonf gb urny orsber gnxvat gur qnzntr. Gunheqve urnyf 3 (qbja gb 1 qnzntr). Jvatsbbg ernqvrf Unyqve.

Pbzong Cunfr:

Gunheqve'f nggnpx vf qrsraqrq ol Tnaqnys. Funqbjsnk ernqvrf Tnaqnys. Pryrobea, Unyqve, Tnaqnys naq Tybesvaqry nggnpx Gunheqve sbe 12 (8 qnzntr + 1 erznvavat).