Single Core Series: Thing in the Depths

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Gondor Swarm 2018 81 60 2 2.0
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In Play
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TheChad 13148

This is the deck I used to defeat The Thing in the Depths in my single core series.

The video can be found here:

Fast start. That is the name of the game here. Get allies out as fast as possible. Captain's Wisdom, Legacy of NĂºmenor, whatever it takes. Get those bodies on the table. You should have 10-12 resources to spend and a lot of cards to spend them on for your first planning phase. Travel to the Helm of the Stormcaller on your first turn. You should be able to handle combat with some chump blocking and then clear the helm and quest the next turn.

Then...tentacles A lot of them.

This deck works great for any quest you need a fast start. I really like just playing planning phase 1 and seeing what kind of board state I can amass.

Good luck!.