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In Play
Discard Pile
Imrahil13 1340
Ride out! Ride out and meet them!
This is my attempt at a (mostly) thematic BoF Rohan deck. There are a surprisingly high number of quality Rohan staples not included in this deck, since in order to achieve balance within the BoF restrictions quite a few concessions had to be made. But in that sense, it's a Rohan deck that plays very differently from more typical Theoden/Thengel decks or 3 Hunter decks.
The Line-Up
- Grima - Questing, Resource Acceleration
- Lothiriel - Questing, Ally Tricks
- Erkenbrand - Defense
- Eomer - Offense
Rohan has at their disposal a nice set of hero options, especially when forced to spread to quad-sphere line-ups. Grima is arguably the second-best Resource acceleration hero in the game, and he's no slouch on a quest. Being able to make any 2-cost card playable the turn you draw it, regardless of it's sphere, can be hugely valuable. Lothiriel enables a lot of tricks with her ally lineup and, being Gondor, has access to The Red Arrow which is an excellently efficient card for any deck starting Valour in the face. Erkenbrand is arguably the best defender in the game, since you don't need to worry about devoting space to shadow effect proection. Eomer is the most powerful attacker in the game, thanks to always being fueled by Lothiriel for his +2 ATK and for having access to an additional upgrades that each grant at least +2 ATK, commonly (Guthwine, Firefoot, War Axe), and is importantly granting Lothiriel immediate access to the Rohan trait.
Typical Load-Out Goals:
- Erkendbrand + Steward + Gondorian Shield + Hauberk of Mail + Armored Destrier = 6 DEF w/ Ready
- Eomer + War Axe + Firefoot + Guthwine + Golden Belt = 12 ATK w/ Trample and Recursion
The Engine
You really want to see a card like Horn of the Mark, Gleowine, or Steward of Gondor in your opening hand. Card draw comes in the form of Gleowine and the Horn, but also from Daerun's Runes, Heed the Dream, Gather Info, and (in a pinch) The White Council. Once Guthwine is onto Eomer, it also acts effectively like card draw, retrieving an ally from the discard each round. Ultimately, you want to be trying to take advantage of Lothiriel --> Eomund every round that you can, so thinning your deck help facilitates this. With an Eomund in hand, you can quest with all of your Rohan characters and have them all readied before the combat phase. This trick also works great for letting Gleowine draw an additional card each round.
The deck did have to make a few sacrifices for non-Rohan characters, in the form of Angbor, 2x Envoy of Pelagrir, and 2x Warden of Healing, but I imagine that these are part of Lothiriel's royal escort from Dol Amroth. Angbor is too good to pass up, the Wardens fill a much-needed healing void in Rohan (who also have a dirth of Lore allies), and the Envoys fill in some Neutral cards, which are also a bit of a blindspot for Rohan.
Ride Forth, and Enjoy!
There's a lot of room to continue optimizing or flavoring this deck to taste, but the core foundation of it is competent enough to give most quests a run for their money, even in NM mode. It's certainly not a One Deck, nor can it really hope to have Win %s that rival those of non-thematic power decks, but for a flavorful Rohan BoF deck, it's got some legs to gallop on.
Nov 15, 2021 |
Nov 16, 2021I agree with |
Nov 16, 2021
You both are spot on that Need Brooks No Delay should be an auto-include. That said, I left it out as a matter of taste, as it just feels almost like cheating to me since it searches nearly 25% of your deck and puts almost any card it can find into play for free. I tend to avoid Thengel for similar reasons. But certainly a great card to include for anyone keen on it! (I'd probably drop Grimbold and one of the Gondorian Shields for it, I think?) |
Nov 16, 2021Realistically, if I was to run Need Brooks No Delay, I'd almost certainly swap the deck around a bit and use a lineup with Háma, so that you could try and play Need Brooks No Delay 5 times or so, which is kind of approximating what Lothiriel is doing... except you get to keep the allies that you are finding with NBND each round. |
Nov 16, 2021
in this deck i think lothiriel is better than thengel, but the op-ness could come, using both (what is not possible in bof) |
Nov 16, 2021
Yea, I've run Thengel alongisde Lothirel in a mono-spirit Last Alliance deck between Gondor and Rohan, so that Thengel could trigger off of allies such as the Riddermark's Finest, Escorts from Edoras, Minas Tirith Lampwrights, Damrod, and Derufin. It was a thematic and very fun deck, with all sorts of triggers and decisions, though definitely pretty high on the power scale (though that's true of plenty of non-ALeP decks, too). |
Nov 16, 2021I found the idea of an 4 spheres Rohan deck really brilliant but how do you deal with death threat or early bad guys like a troll on the Anduin banks ? |
Nov 16, 2021
For the vast majority of threats, I don't find threat to be a big problem. This deck will certainly struggle against quests that ramp your threat up rapidly, like Return to Mirkwood, but for most quests you've got 2x Favor of the Valar, 2x Gandalf (Core), 2x Sneak Attack (to get extra plays out of Gandalf), and 2x Morwen Steelsheen, who offers repeatable threat reduction. While I haven't played this deck a ton yet, I've not found threating out to be a problem (yet). With regards so situations like Journey Along the Anduin, where you're getting attacked by the Hill Troll immediately, it can certainly be an issue. Against the Hill Troll, you're looking for a couple of things to deal with the troll early. You either want to boost Erkenbrand's defense immediately and get some healing on the table, or you want to chump the Hill Troll with some disposable (read: cheap) allies. Morwen Steelsheen can come into play off of Lothiriel's "free" ally, and she can block and only result in a 2 threat raise. Similarly, you can use the Action from Elfhelm to have him sacrifice himself to the troll, which would only result in a 1 threat raise. Sneak + Gandalf (or just a first round 5 Resource Gandalf via Grima) can also block the troll. Alternatively, a first round Muster of Rohan will hopefully find a reasonable beefy ally to sacrifice, that won't raise your threat too much (and hopefully enough additional attack power to kill the troll quickly). There far from silver bullet solutions, but these are the sorts of things I've used against the Hill Troll. In a pinch, feel free to feed it allies like Gleowine, as even thogh your threat will increase by 4, the deck may have enough answers for Threat Control down the road that it doesn't end up being a fatal raise. |
Nov 17, 2021I should add that chump-blocking early isn't the worst situation to be in, since once you get Gutwhine onto Eomer its nice to have a few Rohan allies in the discard pile that Eomer can retrieve with each attack. |
if using alep-cards with rohan do not forget one of the best: Need Brooks No Delay it is free with 4 rohanheroes and gives you a card into play for 2-3 cost (and you can choose). would discard a lancer and 2. lancer or shield for that